I have daydreamed my whole life, and it has made me underachieve so much. If I could focus for even a few minutes I could actually accomplish things but I can't even do that. I waste so much time daydreaming. It has made me so miserable, and I hate it. I have daydreamed today for probably around 3-3.5 hrs alone. I am going to keep myself accountable through this forum and post daily about how much I have daydreamed. Ideally I just keep getting better slowly and through time I will decrease my daydream time.

If you have any tips or words of advice that would be great. 

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Day 18: Moving forward is the only answer. It is hard but worth it. 

I'm glad to hear you are making progress. I almost got out of MD successfully, but I feel it effected my growth and development, also my concentration and attainment. I wonder if I'll ever be the same. 

What helped you the make the most progress? I also feel like it massively impacted my growth and development.

Same with me! It massively impacted my growth and development! I'm shocked. You think MD assures your future will ROCK. When really it's doing the opposite for you. I'm in my late 30's, but I carry on like a kid! I don't even sound my own age! Whenever my younger sister strikes up an adult conversation or drives everywhere she wants for miles, she puts me to shame. She's the independent adult, I'm not??? I'm so embarrassed to reveal this to people who don't know me. I'm afraid they'll think I'm the biggest idiot ever. I'm way behind in life, and far from well established. If only I was informed about MD in advance. Now I have arrested development and depend on people. It's actually quite disturbing. MD also used to tell me that I can be someone, whose really someone I can't be. On the outside, I just look like a person who has issues.

To top it, my physical health has changed, but isn't good. It's like I neglected my muscles. 

I understand. It does take a toll. What were some of the steps you took to decrease your time spend daydreaming each day?

Staying focused on everyday pursuits, my attention really needed me, especially when it came to work. I work at a cash register at a retail store, and there can be a rush of customers. I have to be a fast learner and got to see what I'm doing. I just came off my training wheels, but still need to really listen hard to associates and customers. What my point is, it's about being HERE at all times. 

Of course when I was young, I could get away with MD more, because I was healthy, energetic and robust. Times have changed and I am pushing middle aged, my head isn't so strong, and that goes for my mind. I find myself taking more notes when I'm learning new responsibilities so I don't forget anything. If I was an MD'er today, I probably would've found myself in big trouble. 

Observing my surrounding environment, how people interact with each other and carry on a conversation, and how they bond and form relationships. Moreover, how they stay with each other and don't distance themselves by getting lost in thought. I notice lately that I haven't been listening! So I see how well I can listen when someone is talking. Then I see how well I respond after they finished their sentence. It's about communication, as in being with each other and understanding each other out. Above all, just being aware of what goes on around you at all times. Otherwise, if you DON'T, they'll just think you live in *outer space.* 

How I am working on the floor is starting to worry me. I'm not receptive, vigilant and sharp as a thistle according to what is around me and in front of me. Somebody once called me a "zoner." I'm afraid somebody is going to notice and look at me like I'm from mars. I've had someone ask me why this happened, and if I didn't listen to them, they'll find that really weird too. I've lost jobs because of my poor awareness and communication issues. It's not only embarrassing, but kind of disturbing. 

To top it, I suffer from morning stiffness and sleep inertia, and everybody else is bright and bushy tailed, and sound mind. MD has effected the way I move, act, and think. 

I do feel MD just did me damage, over any good. 

Day 19: "I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is the victory over self." - Aristotle

Day 20: It is hard, but this is why it is worth it. 

Day 21: Have made more progress in the last 3 weeks than I have in the last 3 years, and I feel like I can still do so much better.

Day 22: One step at a time. That is the only way.


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