Hii so for the longest time I thought that there was something wrong with me. I am 15 years old, but i have been having these really complex, intricate little worlds in my mind, with lots of different characters and lots of different things happening.

I didnt even know that there is an actual word for it until I did some research.

in my head, I turn into and older person, with completely different friends and family; I have names and personas for all of them too. I have a completely different life, my personality is completely different. I have a best friend  who I always have conversations with- my parents always say that they can hear me talking to myself. I am very embarassed about it, so I won't tell you about any of the other people or scenarios, and I have never told anyone about this before. I also think that I like this person more than I like myself. it always distracts me, and whats worse is that I LOVE IT. I lie awake at night thinking of it, and minutes turn into hours during the day. This is a vital year for me, I have some very important exams coming up and I have to be able to concentrate.

I really need help on how to "control" it or deal with it? 

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Hi. As far as I am concerned, it is relatively easy to stop daydreaming. It is much harder for me not to go back to them, and that is what I would like with all my heart. I think if you want to stop you have to realize that you really want it. Think about all the negative consequences of daydreaming. And when you realize that you are daydreaming, tell yourself that you don't want it and start doing something else to occupy your mind. Besides, you have to accept your life as it is. I know it's a cliche, but there is no such thing as a perfect life, everyone experiences a shortage. Maybe find yourself a hobby to do something in your free time, which will keep you busy and less inclined to fantasies. 

Good luck :)


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