Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
Cordellia told me about you, I'd love to help you out with your documentary! I'll do whatever I can to help out :3
thanks so much for the support!
since i'm new at researching this topic and learning along the way, i may have been too limiting in my initial post above. for example, i'm absolutely interested in learning more about your "imaginary situations," if you're willing to share. thanks.
I wish you luck, it sounds very interesting.
My daydreams aren't quite like you are wanting, they don't involve different or imaginary worlds, just imaginary situations, so I don't really think you want my input....but I am quite sure a LOT of people here could accommodate you:D
thanks. i'd be happy to hear from you.
James said:
Wow! A film about daydreamers! I would definitely love to help.
I think this is a great idea. Not only is it a great and rich subject, but if more people start talking about it, then people like who do this will start to feel less crazy. A lot of good can be done. I've met a lot of daydreamers on this site, and they're a wildly creative bunch. It's a unique and enriching way to live. Opening up about your daydream worlds could be a huge relief as well.
thanks. i look forward to hearing from you.
Drake said:
Cordellia told me about you, I'd love to help you out with your documentary! I'll do whatever I can to help out :3
This might sound silly, but what information are you looking for? Specific questions? A questionnaire would be helpful (at least for me) I am new to this site and hesitant to really "reveal" my daydreams but I have built a crazy extremely detailed world, and strangely enough, it contains a documentary film maker...
It's a relief to have a name to put to this problem but it doesn't make it any less crazy or embarrassing.
hi, i don't have a list of specific questions. rather, my hope is to learn about people's imaginations/daydreams/world-building and have the dialogue flow from there. hope this makes sense. your detailed world sounds interesting to me, and if you are comfortable describing it in more detail, feel free to contact me. thanks.
thetxbelle said:
This might sound silly, but what information are you looking for? Specific questions? A questionnaire would be helpful (at least for me) I am new to this site and hesitant to really "reveal" my daydreams but I have built a crazy extremely detailed world, and strangely enough, it contains a documentary film maker...
It's a relief to have a name to put to this problem but it doesn't make it any less crazy or embarrassing.
I will try and come up with a brief synopsis or something in the next day or so and send it to you in a private message
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