When I was younger, daydreaming gave me an escape from an inescapable situation. But it also stunted the future in a lot of ways. Most importantly, it took away drive. As Thomas Edison once said "Show me a thoroughly satisfied man — and I will show you a failure".

Which begs the question "Has Mdd helped or hurt you more?"

If it helped, how?

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I mean as a career. Like in movies.

Hmm tricky question! My daydreaming began in early childhood as a means to cope with an unpleasant home environment, alcoholic/neglectful parent, & feeling unsafe in my daily life. That time spent daydreaming provided a brief reprieve into a world where I felt loved & secure. Much of the time it was the only thing that made me happy & helped me hold myself together. I honestly don’t know how I’d have faired without daydreaming.  While I don’t consider my daydreaming to be particularly ‘hurtful’ per se, as it doesn’t negatively impact my ability to function, I do believe I use it as a substitute for socialization at times. Relationships in my daydreams are easier & less anxiety-provoking than IRL, but that doesn’t prevent me from having friends/significant others. 

I know but you said "couldn't be somewhere else"

Silver Swan said:

I mean as a career. Like in movies.

I guess, I should say "can't," not couldn't...yet again, maybe that's narrow thinking. For example, I was a backdrop tree/frame in a high school play 'Robin Hood' and you really had to listen up for rehearsal times. I was doing my math homework and I just tuned everything out, probably because I was wondering. They called up my time to stand and pose as a tree or frame on the stage for scene, but I couldn't hear a thing, as I was immersed in my own world, while doing my equations. They later found out I was missing on set and where I've been all that time, and wondered how I couldn't hear them!

Stage work is serious business and hard work, no kidding to that. So, when I hear people who are entering the acting business, and they sort of do MDD, I think, Wow.

Ah, I got you!  Thanks for clarifying! Yeah, it actually helps me be a good actress believe it or not.

And b/c it is my passion, when I am acting or producing or filmmaking, I am not MDD'ing. I have even used some of my MDDs for screenplays, characters, etc.  

I some way yes. I do have trouble relating to people. Mainly because they are not as true as my imaginary friends. My imaginary friend stick by me through thick and thin no matter how mush life sucks. And yes I have felt like life has not lead up to my expectation.

on the other hand, it has given me the drive to keep pushing. It has given me goals to work for. In fact now I am doing something that I have day dreamed about since for ever. 

So in a short answer, yes and no. 

I find no matter how intensive and traumatic my life gets, and how shameful I'm to blame for something, my imaginary friends still stick by my side. They won't stare and make sense out of me, they'll just talk to me very nicely. So nice, it can't be real. I even told one of them to stop being so sweet.

Good question, it helped me to stay sane and not lose my shit but also caused to miss good opportunities in life. But it helped me more, i can say, because at least it helped me to get through to point where an opportunity arrived whether a benefit or not.

I feel that MDD has led me to adversely affect my life. Since I was 3 years old, I have told myself stories (I am now 60). As I grew up it used to help me get over disappointments, failures and things not turning out as I hoped. It also alleviated bursts of intense emotions - reimagining events so that I was the winner or succeeded in achieving. Escaping to my own private fantasy was a comfort and a happy place. However, a couple of years ago I decided to combine my creative writing talents with generating an alternate persona, when conversing with others on an internet forum. To my eternal shame I now face criminal prosecution, have lost friends, upset family and exacerbated my ongoing battle with Depression. The real me is nothing like the 'person' I portrayed myself to be online, but I am not at all confident that I will be able to prove this. The moral of my story is, fantasise all you like just DON'T put any of it in black and white!

I has hurt me more. It's still hurting me. it has prevented me from realizing my goals and to have normal and meaningful relationships. The only good thing is that it has kept my sanity intact in the face of utter failure. My constant dreaming is preventing me from achieving anything meaningful.

Emotionally it saved me, but it stunted my personal growth and ability to process events outside of me. It kept me sane and poised throughout mundane and frustrating times, but in the end I think it does hurt. MD tricks my mind in a way— it gives me a false sense of hope, happiness, courage, confidence, and relief. And if it weren’t for the Internet, I think I would have spent the rest of my life living in a false sense of security and passion. It’s amazing how well your own mind can lie to itself.

Yep, me too. I totally relate Marcy.


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