When/if you daydream in bed, do you tend to daydream more emotional daydreams?

OK, let me explain what I mean. I'm a pacer, I will pace to music if possible. But my other main daydreaming place is my bed. When I'm in bed, I will generally daydream about the more emotional parts of my daydreams. For example if a character is crying, I can't daydream it while pacing, I have to be in my bed. I will sometimes get into bed and tell my Mum I'm just having a rest solely for the purpose of these sorts of daydreams. Also, when I daydream in bed, I have to have the duvet pulled over my head and will rest my head on part of it to weigh it down, and I have to have the arm I'm not laying on in a fist, up by my mouth. I tuck the duvet under my head, to explain it better, I don't sleep on the pillow.

Is this part of my MD or am I just weird?

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i don't have to have my head under the blanket like you do, but if i'm daydreaming about a more emotional part of my daydream, i'll have to be lying down either on the couch or in my bed. i normally pace while i daydream too, and i listen to music, just like you. but i can't be pacing if i'm daydreaming about a more emotional part. also, when i'm in bed, i can only daydream about more emotional parts of my daydream and i can't daydream as i would if i was pacing. that probably didn't make much sense but whatever. xD

Ditto. I practically have to be snug as a bug in a rug. Preferably at night, in the dark, all cured up...
Same here, so potentially a trend? scenery/environment effects daydreams?


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