Hi there I'm Tara I'm 25 and I feel like I've had this disorder my whole life, well for as far as I can think back at least. I was born disabled with a condition very few people have. I've always used my daydreaming as an escape from the physical and emotional pain I've endured through this.

Though it has never been this bad. Right now I just don't want to be me, so I daydream of being someone else, everything I'm not of coarse.  I even find myself stopping myself from thinking about my problems. I know if I start to seriously think about all the shitty things in my life I'll loose control. I can't concentrate and I feel as if I'm slipping away in a sense...

I'm really afraid to reach out to the people around me and I have trust issues. I just know I really need help but I don't know how to get it.

This is all very new to me I just found out about this disorder today and I really want to learn and understand more on this subject.

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I'm so sorry you're going through this. This is a much-needed escape for many, many people. We all do this, so don't feel like you're the only one. I understand being scared. I get get scared, too. You're DEFINITELY not alone. Look at all the people on here. We're learning how to live with this together. This is a safe place. There are suggestions for how to deal with this all over. Please look around when you have a chance. You might find some good tips. You'll also find some heartbreaking and inspiring stories that'll probably remind you a little of yourself at times. Please hang in there & let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
Tara: Like Cordellia said, you are definitely not alone. Most people here probably have a sense of what you're going through. I'm pretty new to this site myself, but I can tell you it was a great comfort to find it and to connect with others who are dealing with the same issues. I'm so sorry you're feeling so bad right now.


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