So I have not been on my profile in two years.

Went on it today, and I am disappointed because not much has changed.

I just feel trapped.

I am always stuck between daydreaming and going out and living.

So far, daydreaming is winning.

I am looking for a job right now. I feel like I have growing work anxiety. I'm just scared to put myself out there.

How do you guys cope at a job?

I just feel like I want to be 'normal', why are all the mundane things-like going out and working, and seeing friends so difficult?

I feel like my thoughts and feelings are just bottled up inside me. I just need somewhere to go with them, but have no one I trust to talk to at the moment.

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I know how you feel!
I have been studying and working and it is always so hard to go to an interview and "sell" myself.
It feels so unnatural and I am always scared that I say somthing wrong or that I am not good enough.

Usually it gets better as soon as I actually start the job and stat to realize that I am actually good at the tasks. Then I am able to talk to the people and make friends. But is I feel like I am doing a bad job it gets very stressful.

Hey :)

I am in between jobs right now. My last office temp job I was always second-guessing myself too. - I did get along with my co-workers at least (even, though I am shy or a quieter person).

My last job interview was going okay, until he asked the question, "tell me about yourself." I looked down a lot and my body language just got all nervous. Which sucks because obviously when interviewing they want to get to know you.

I guess I need to get over the hurtle somehow.

I hate job interviews. Maybe read a list of interview questions or go on youtube and see if there are videos and think of how you will reply.  If there is an unemployment office maybe they will have an option where they interview practices.

Ali Renee said:

Hey :)

I am in between jobs right now. My last office temp job I was always second-guessing myself too. - I did get along with my co-workers at least (even, though I am shy or a quieter person).

My last job interview was going okay, until he asked the question, "tell me about yourself." I looked down a lot and my body language just got all nervous. Which sucks because obviously when interviewing they want to get to know you.

I guess I need to get over the hurtle somehow.

When I'm at work I am completely switched off from my MD. I'm just focused on work. My maladaptive daydreaming comes into play when I'm extremely relaxed.

It's just about creating the feelings of being in control. Your either obsessed or possessed is the way I see it. Thats why so many recovered alcoholics have to continously attend meetings for many years after their recovery, because they need an obsession to stop the possession. You also need to learn to love yourself and to learn not to percept your daydreaming by not simply percepting 'in work thought mode' and 'out of work thought mode', but learn to be more analytical on triggers and why are we here. We must accept that we are somehow 'gaining' something from it. However stupid and idiotic  and in complete ruination a heroin user may look to us, they believe they are 'gaining' something from it. Remove the illusion that there is a 'gain/pleasure/crutch' from any drug and you couldnt give the stuff away for free. Its the same for us also.

I feel the same. I have had episodes over the past 6 years and have gone for months with no need for daydreaming, and enjoying the freedom to be 'me.' Then I have had times where I've been stuck in the daydream.

I have quite a successful job and I don't need to daydream while at work because I feel like everyone accepts me and likes me. But. I find it hard when I hear that nearly everyone has partners and families and kids outside work and I don't. I feel like in my warped mind my department is my family, but know that to them I'm just...a person they work with. Then I come home and daydream.

I feel the same...I wonder why I need to do it. I suppose it is because I have an overwhelming feeling that I don't belong anywhere.


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