Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
Do you guys ever feel like no one listens to you in real life compared to the characters in your daydreams?
For instance, I was so pissed off the whole day, almost, because I wasted about 3 hours in the process of seeing my primary doctor(I have all types of doctors, let me tell you >.>).
This doctor NEVER listens to a thing I say. I know this because she NEVER returns any sort of relevant or even appropriate feedback.
At first I thought maybe she cannot hear me very well or because she is foreign. But I have alot of foreign doctors and even some in the past who understood me quite proficiently.
I told her some major concerns and she just blew them off with a completely unique question of her own!
For example, I tell her a blood pressure medicine she had me on makes me feel "dead tired and like a zombie all the time to the point where its very hard to even function."
Then she goes, "You're on iron supplements, yah?"
Like, what the heck!?
I don't want to go into all the details for privacy and time constraint issues but, basically I only want to stick with this doctor so I can get some surgery done. The "thing" in need of repair is hindering me from being able to work which really sucks lemons.:(
Anyway, in my daydreams, people love and adore me. They cherish how "awesome" I really am in every way. They are grateful that a person such as myself can really have as many talents as I do and NOT hold myself in higher regard than everyone else.
Therefore, they never argue and yell at me like my family or everyone else on this planet that I have unfortunately and forcefully come in contact with. They NEVER call me names like arrogant, smart (the curse word version of donkey, butt, rear e.t.c.), goodie-two-shoes, or proper(being "proper" on my mom's side of the family means you are not "authentic" or "real" as they like to call it >.>).
They treat me the way I want, no should be treated.
Men, in my daydreams, like me as a person instead of a pleasure object like in every single chat room I have had the misfortune to use.
Women, in my daydreams, also like me as a person and are actually cool and funny instead of materialistic and/or ditsy.
This is a huge reason I never(I said "never" too many times that its sad ) and I mean NEVER(sorry, I can never stop saying never), enjoy my time outdoors around people, for the most part.
They never listen to a thing I say. Oh yeah, and I hate chat rooms too.
Sorry for this major vent. But thanks a bunch for voluntarily reading about my frustrations(like 1 quarter of it)....unless someone hog tied you and held you ransom until you read this. Yeah, but hopefully you read it on your own free will. ^_^
I really hope it wasn't that bad. The other alternative to this was to yell out loud to myself and make my dad think that I need to be in the loony bin somewhere(and I have, a billion times and its not fun).
Actually right before I posted this, I was writing some rap lyrics about this to ease these frustrations on my own....but no way am I sharing them, lol. They are really mean and I could get penalized or even banned. You know that saying, "If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it all."
Yeah...I think you catch my drift.
Ok. I'm gonna stop wasting your time and shut up now. Ciao! :p
Yea I believe that the dream world is a place to go to escape the annoyances of the real world. By convention then, the dream world is almost always more idealized and better for the dreamer, that is why it is maladaptive daydreaming, we get sucked into these perfect world while ignoring the real one. I myself think my real life is okay, but my daydream world is a place where I go when I get bored. Since everyone's dreams are different, I don't know exactly what is going on with your daydreams... mine are actually completely separate from me and do not concern me whatsoever. I think that your daydream reflects what you are missing from your life. Instead of stating in your dream world all the time, you could attempt to see the world. **gasps at the unknown** xD Not everyone is an ass and there are definitely people who genuinely care for you and your feelings, you just need to seek out and find them! :) As for the doctor... you should probably find someone else who is concerned for your well being.
I hope this helps! --Richard out
I think that is very interesting. About how your daydreams are less first-person. Or not first-person at all. That to me, seems like you are very self-less. Me, I am the exact opposite. I am very selfish. But I do not think of myself as selfish in any negative sort of way. By "selfish," I care alot about myself. I know in the real world, I must, to some extent, put myself before others. For instance, I have to do what I like to do for me and NEVER do what others like to do for me. That is what brought me to the type of person I am right now. I have spent much of my young life attempting to fill up everyone's desires and not my own. Now that I am beginning to quench that heavy thirst of doing my own thing, I actually do not feel depression(I get sad from time to time, a little blue, but never depressed), a need(or even obsession/addiction) to please others, low self-esteem(a little, but not nearly as much as the past), as before. Never before would I ever thought I could reach such a blessed state of being even while being as sick as I am right now and not be this way when I was not ill.
I feel like its better to be in my daydream world because this world accepts me. The real world does not. I could only be friends with dogs and/or other animals such as cats(maybe....I am not much of a cat person tho:p), females who have more masculine/macho/nerdy/tomboy whatever interests such as videogames, anime, manga, fighting sports like prowrestling, comic books, sci-fi, action, and gay men(not bi) because that "one" thought on their mind would never come to fruition in our conversations geared towards me or even become physical, ever. Like I never want to be involved with the opposite gender because of that....unless he is gay. Its nature I guess. I have no interest in making babies. No, I do not want a family. I do not want to fall in love with anyone. Its too much work, mental stimulation, and unnecessary drama to be involved in such trifling, tasteless matters that can neither relieve nor help me with the daily distress I must face due to physical, mental, emotional, family, financial trauma on an ongoing basis.
I am too much of a masculine, headstrong, independent-thinking, rebellious, brainy female to feel she will ever be in need of a male mate. A man would never find such qualities desirable enough in a female to ever want a relationship with her beyond lust. Once he gets what he wants, he's out of there, when it comes to females like me. It doesn't help either that I am very hideous. I mean, all the males I ever spoke with in a chat room all want that "one thing" so much, I swear I am in communion with the SAME dude. Like, is this "Attack of the Clones" or something.....
But even so, I love being alone now. I have been messed over and over again and again. By females too. Matter of fact, my own flesh and blood sister. One of them. I mean sure, she is a half sister, but gosh. She took advantage of her disabled sibling(me) and abused me financially. She put her bills in my name, BIG bills. And bought gifts for her kids and other WANTS of hers with my own Social Supplemental Income. Even after all this, I would willingly, without even a millisecond of hesitation or questioning allow her and her bully of a husband borrow some money(like $300.00 to $500.00) and never expect any money in return. What I did want in return was the love only an older sister could provide and the respect, but neither of this came and they became even more abusive of me from that point on until I moved in with my father. We get into it sometimes, but that is why I desire so hard to live alone with a pet of some kind. I can't argue or get into any sort of confrontation with an animal(verbally or in the way only delivered between humans, which irks me to no end >.>). At least humans are less annoying when observed from afar or in communion with them from a long distance on forums such as these where our identities are heavily concealed, minimally conspicuous, and anonymous....just the way I like it.
So I have to disagree with your "assumption" that you think my daydream is a reflection of what I am missing from my life. My life is perfect and fine just the way it is. I just need to make a few adjustments. Not in an attempt to be normal or more girly-girl, which it will never be. But to be more of what I want. I love being alone, but I am not lonely. I only associate with people outside of my daydreams when I am required to be, such as at dialysis.
I do not really want friends. I do not mind associating with, perhaps, really cool, interesting, tough, charismatic females at, maybe a work setting per say. But I would never want them involved in my personal life. My personal life is just that, "personal." Once I become self-sufficient, meaning I am working and living on my own, I will live for me, on my time.
This is what I want. No, I am not missing anything. I am beginning, to slowly gain everything....that I ever wanted since time began for me.
Sorry for this drawn out response. Guess I really want you to know where I am coming from. I am sure deep down, even if you try to reject it, you think I am a huge weirdo. But its fine, because everyone is entitled to their thoughts and I cannot control them, no one can. Only our own thoughts can be controlled. But at least you, and perhaps other people who might care even an inch, got to see how I kinda think and feel regarding daydreams versus real life.
Richard Quest said:
Yea I believe that the dream world is a place to go to escape the annoyances of the real world. By convention then, the dream world is almost always more idealized and better for the dreamer, that is why it is maladaptive daydreaming, we get sucked into these perfect world while ignoring the real one. I myself think my real life is okay, but my daydream world is a place where I go when I get bored. Since everyone's dreams are different, I don't know exactly what is going on with your daydreams... mine are actually completely separate from me and do not concern me whatsoever. I think that your daydream reflects what you are missing from your life. Instead of stating in your dream world all the time, you could attempt to see the world. **gasps at the unknown** xD Not everyone is an ass and there are definitely people who genuinely care for you and your feelings, you just need to seek out and find them! :) As for the doctor... you should probably find someone else who is concerned for your well being.
I hope this helps! --Richard out
Hey GM.
Yeah! I feel the same way! :) I also wish I could actually interact with my creations. Its sad how you put it towards the end. :(
That would make a great novel, a god whose only wish is to "belong" with his/her creations. That's beautiful.....T_T
GM said:
I can totally relate. My daydream characters have their flaws but at least they don't judge and they don't criticize, and we understand each other. Just one problem, they're not real. They live in a world I can visualize so clearly yet it doesn't exist. The fact that I created them actually makes me god to them but they don't know I'm god to them if that makes any sense. I would rather be one of them and interact with them instead of being their creator.
Nowadays, my DDs seem to be a lot more focused on just having friends than actual plot. I think that makes a lot of sense though, as my life has changed a lot and now I'm on my own and actually trying to accomplish something, but my main problem is that I'm crazy lonely. And I know I create them because I don't have any friends in real life as genuine and loyal as they are. They always leave, or don't care about me like I care about them. My DD friends are the opposite, and very helpful for processing my feelings. They always know exactly what to say and how to make me feel better.
I do get in fights with them though. It makes them a lot more tangible to me if their lives don't totally revolve around me. They're really their own people, at least it feels that way. But as fiery as they get, we can usually settle things on a good note.
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