I frequently daydream. However, after reading how maladaptive daydreaming is defined I am doubting whether I am affected by MDD or not. Let me explain my situation. I daydream, but it's only when I am not busy or doing something. It never affected my social life or work or school. When I daydream though I even makeup this whole scenario and I even say the conversations out loud, be emotional; cry and laugh and smile. I know that what I am experiencing is far from reality, I don't hallucinate, I Know that. So am I affected by MDD?  

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You could be a high functioning MDer.

I think you could have MD. But if it isn't getting in the way of anything you shouldn't worry about it too much or try to quit. Just exercise caution regarding how much you daydream and you should be fine.

I daydream like you, I can "turn it off" when i need to so it doesn't usually get in the way when i'm trying to do something (sometimes it might), but I still consider it MD. 


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