Lets just say hypothetically, if you were caught or decided you had to tell someone about your MD how would you tell them? How would you start out the conversation? How would you end it? everything in between? What do you imagine they would say?

Also if you have already told someone, how did it go? how did you start out saying it? did you jump right in or beat around the bush?

-just curious.. possibly considering mentioning it to someone..

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I live completely openly.  I tell anyone & everyone who'll listen because it's a project of mine, and it's nothing to be ashamed of.  I do not tolerate people even hinting that anything about me is sad or to be ashamed of.  Just tell them.  Don't say it like you're confessing to something bad, or you're setting them up to think it's bad.  It's not bad.  It's a different way of thinking and being.  In some ways, it's better than normal.  

Say something like "I have a condition that makes me daydream a lot more than normal.  People like us can go on major daydreaming binges that will last for hours or days.  It's way beyond "normal daydreaming".  It comes with many gifts and many struggles.  On the positive side, we're wildly creative and essentially addicted to thinking, which is a GOOD thing.  Part of the struggles are that we sometimes get completely addicted and have trouble stopping.  We might start to prefer our daydream world to the outer world and have trouble getting by in the outer world.  On the positive side, we often have little tolerance for BS and tend to focus on what's real.  On the negative side, we may prefer people in our daydream world to real people and have trouble talking to real people.  On the positive side we're smart.  On the negative, we have trouble focusing and absorbing external information sometimes."  Tell them what it means to you.  

Also, be prepared that they may dismiss it as just depression or something else, which it is NOT.  Be prepared to say why it's not.  Tell them a real doctor with a real PHD is studying it.  Tell them there are over 1,000 people discussing it in online forums.  Tell them it was written about in a major magazine, and if you have the article, show them.  

I know I've posted tips all over this site, probably under "Does anyone know?"  I have lots of practice talking about this.  Let me know if you need any more help.  Also, feel free to send them here if you want, so they can see some of the personal stories.  This is a really meaningful way to live.  

Also, it's not officially a disorder yet.  I'm not even sure "disorder" is the right word.  It's not a sickness.  It's a different way of thinking.  Our brains aren't worse than normal.  In some ways they're better.
Also, if anyone tries to rebut you, remember that chances are they're not in a position to.  If most doctors don't even know about this, then how the hell would they know?  NO ONE can tell you they know your brain better than you.  Do NOT let people talk to you like they can.  You have to be prepared to be the expert.  This is something new, and chances are you know a lot more about it than anyone you'll ever meet.  We're trying to get the word out and educate people, but that takes time.  In the meantime, have confidence in yourself and your knowledge.  You're the boss.  I wouldn't even trust a doctor who doesn't believe you.  If they don't believe you, show them the studies, tell them where they can shove it, and run.  Trust yourself.


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