I know I ask a lot of  things in my discussions but I'm curious, what is your biggest trigger? Mine is definitely music, anytime I listen to music I jump up a little while later and begin daydreaming, usually with it still playing from my iHome. Lately now though I use my big over-ear headphones and relax.

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Music: Love and sadness. Words: Anger. Old books: Worth.
Music is definitely a trigger but driving is probably number one, of course music is always involved there too.  As soon as I get behind the wheel and pull out there goes the mind to my inside world.  Funny I've never had an accident but I'm super cautious and have great reflexes.  We truly are extremely good at multi-tasking.  We have to be.
For me I pace a lot to music playing from my iHome, rocking chairs I have to try and stay silent to daydream to so that my parents don't know that I am. I really like to keep my daydreams as private as possible.

Marka said:

They're amazing. ♥

I've noticed that for the majority of people here, it's walking and pacing that triggers, or accompanies their daydreams. For me though, it has always been rocking. Even when I was very little, I had a rocking horse that I spent hours with, just imagining things. But of course, I eventually grew too big for it, so it had to go away. :(

I think I was around nine or ten when I started using the rocking chairs in our house, not just for rocking, but also the daydreaming, and that's around the age when I got my first cd player as well, so there was the introduction to the music. It wasn't until I was eleven though, that I spent most  of my daydreaming time in the rocking chairs with my ipod...I'm sixteen now, and have broken five rocking chairs within the past five years, have left permanent ruts in the carpet flooring, and have driven my parents crazy with the incessant noise of it all.

Maybe I should try pacing...

Nicole said:

Omg rocking chairs... love them for daydreaming...
When im sober i day dream a lot so when i'm high on mary jane, my mind is even more active, day dreaming intricate plots and movie scenes and i day dream about people and their intentions, lots of crazy shit...i can feel my emotions like 100x stronger. So weed is the biggest trigger for me
Yeah Weed is a mega trigger for me too, it boosts my creativity quite highly. I like to write my daydream stories when I'm high just from that creative standpoint.

Darren said:
When im sober i day dream a lot so when i'm high on mary jane, my mind is even more active, day dreaming intricate plots and movie scenes and i day dream about people and their intentions, lots of crazy shit...i can feel my emotions like 100x stronger. So weed is the biggest trigger for me
yes music is a perfect way to get me to daydream. i also daydream when i feel lonely (which is very often).  anything that sparks my imagination, and it doesn't take much to spark my imagination. i will be reading and then put the book down and start daydreaming of what i just read and adding things to it or wondering what i would do in that situation.  if i let myself i will probably start daydreaming mid post (i have done this plenty of times before)
Books and movies mostly. A huge deal of fanfiction too. Not really all the much music, though I guess some with really descriptive lyrics does trigger, but then mostly in conjunction with something else.

I love stories and escapism in general, but I'm starting to realize that certain stories trigger my desire to fantasize more than others. Stories that make me angry seem to stir up those feelings, so although it pains me, I've decided to forgo crime dramas that get me agitated at the perps. Stories about time travel also trigger me--Time stresses me out. I know it's doing what it's supposed to--moving forward--but I have trouble accepting it.

It's weird that for decades I responded to these triggers without really noticing the process. I just saw my life as an ongoing fantasy. Now, after listening to you guys, I realize that I have definite patterns.


You'll be so surprised to know that my biggest trigger is a well-known British artist and singer, no need to mention his name. When I see him, I feel quite outburst with ideas for endless daydreams. I lock myself in my room, sometimes for days, and keep spinning allover the room like a lunatic, while talking to imaginary people. I created a name for my fantasy character, a physical appearance, and a personality, which are all perfect. The more I indulge in these fantasies, the more (I mistakenly believe) that I'm getting better. However, by the end of the day, I feel so exhausted and just sleep to wake up and repeat the whole thing again. Sounds pretty crazy, I know!

Music, sitting idle, and sitting in class listening to a lecture tend to be my biggest triggers. Sometimes reading a boring book for homework does it, too.
my biggest trigger is i can tell them tiny gestures,a word,image,a bit of music... anything that suddenly subvert me to a new way of contemplating.i learned to see life as a whole than compartmental.i watch people or way arround or a waste thing....every thing have a different kind of other life if we are ready to look and observe them so.then life will be miraculously wonderful again!!!!!!!
Music is DEFINITELY my biggest trigger, so I feel you. :)


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