This is a bit hard to explain, but I'll try.  When I daydream about a character a lot, after a while I find that I can't remember their facial features that well.  If the character is from a movie/tv show, I'll have to watch it again to remember their face.  I know this is pretty out there, but does anyone else have this problem?  Normally people have this issue when they don't think of someone, not when they think about them often.   

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I generally am uncomfortable with eye contact, so I have trouble with faces more than most people. Do you have trouble with eye contact too? I think about some people I know all the time, but honestly I can only remember faces in detail of people I don't see very often that I for some reason made frequent eye contact with. If I see a picture, yes I recognize them. But if I had to describe a face to say, a sketch artist, I couldn't.
Yes I do have some difficulty with making eye contact actually. I have to make a conscious effort to look others in the eye when I'm conversing. Didn't even consider that...

Gina M said:
I generally am uncomfortable with eye contact, so I have trouble with faces more than most people. Do you have trouble with eye contact too? I think about some people I know all the time, but honestly I can only remember faces in detail of people I don't see very often that I for some reason made frequent eye contact with. If I see a picture, yes I recognize them. But if I had to describe a face to say, a sketch artist, I couldn't.
I have this problem too and have to see a person's face many times before I am able to remember them accurately.
I love eye contact, but I need to practice remembering the color of their eyes. Gina I recognize people too, but likewise I'm not sure if I could relay the info to a sketch artist either.
Holy crap! Yeah, I get this too. I have an entire folder on my harddrive dedicated to the 'likenesses' of the characters I include in my daydreams. Seeing these pictures helps them snap into place and I can continue visualizing them.

On the rare occasion that I'm trying to remember one of my friends or family members that I know very well, and have spent a lot of time with in the past (but not recently) I'll have trouble remembering what they look like as well.

Huh. I thought I was the only one.

i don't really have this problem.

I get this when the dd gets intensive. Does anyone ever suddenly have lego/video game versions of their characters, like when you're falling asleep thinking about two things at once?

There was one time I daydreamed so hard and for so long that all the characters suddenly had mustaches, and no joke I couldn't remember what anyone looked like without a mustache. Even the girls. I had to stop the daydream because I was laughing so hard.

Oh yeah I definitely have this problem. I find that I re-read a book, listen to that song again on repeat to bring back the characters face back to me. I am so glad that you posted this, it's nice to know that many others experience this too. Still I think it is weird that we forget the facial features of character we dream about excessively...hmm what gives?? Maybe just another mystery of MDD yet to be figured out.

Exactly the same here.

I was about to write the same thing, but seriously this thing is so out there that it creeps me out I just hope someone can find a cure for this BS. What weird disoreder we are suffering from.
Lee said:

Sometimes the way a character in my mind looks is influenced by things I've watched or seen before daydreaming. For example, if I've just watched an episode of Family Guy, all my characters will look extremely cartoon-ish and the only way I can change this is by watching something with a different style (say, anime or live action).
If the character is one that already exists in a TV Show or film, I quite often have to keep a reference image nearby or open on a tab on my computer so that I can visualise their face properly whilst daydreaming or reading fanfiction. Clothing is often 'blurred out' and I always seem to keep the focus on the face, because trying to imagine everything just makes it all a lot less detailed.

What a* were*

I love u for writing this, because I can relate to it so much. This is what exactly happens to me when i day dream


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