I don't know if it does or if it is just 'coz of too much tv, but I have these amazing dreams where I am always the hero. Usually in my day dreaming, I tend to save someone or a city, a kid, a puppy, the everyday, unsung hero type. And the dreams that I do remember are usually of this kind. I started keeping a dream diary. Reading the entries is like reading short stories. Of course, the ones with abrupt endings are left for imaginative daydreaming.The diary serves its purpose but just got to keep that a little hidden though.

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That sounds like great fun. I keep a dream diary, but I haven't noticed a link, though I've begun regular sleep dreaming about my completely made up characters recently, so I'm happy about that.

Oooh, that does sound good .  A new story with the same characters. Nice. The best part, you actually get to experience it first hand. Day dreaming gives you a good feeling but the normal dreams take it to a whole new level. I dreamt of surfing once, I have never surfed earlier and it felt so good. I woke up with a grin, pretty sure.

I love when that happens. Mine usually aren't same characters, there is me, of course. But others are either people around me or stars. ;)

Michelle Young said:

Every once in a blue moon I will have a dream about my characters. I LOVE having those. On the rare occasion that it happens, I usually get a new plot idea. 

Oddly enough my fantasy universe and dream life rarely intersect. I have been keeping detailed dream notebooks for decades, but I have never visited my fantasy worlds there. I sometimes find old fantasy books from childhood in these dreams, which causes great shame, just as I was made to feel back then about my work.

I do frequently dream about Africa and Jamaica, places I've visited several times. Also I seldom have terrifying nightmares, haven't in years; all the nightmare comes out in the waking fantasy. 

Shame? Oh serious things I guess. Must have had quite a lot of impact on you. Mine hover around things I want in my life, future, career and stuff. I need it to push on ahead but it gets in the way also. I really don’t know how and where to draw the line between hoping and dreaming.

Afan said:

Oddly enough my fantasy universe and dream life rarely intersect. I have been keeping detailed dream notebooks for decades, but I have never visited my fantasy worlds there. I sometimes find old fantasy books from childhood in these dreams, which causes great shame, just as I was made to feel back then about my work.

I do frequently dream about Africa and Jamaica, places I've visited several times. Also I seldom have terrifying nightmares, haven't in years; all the nightmare comes out in the waking fantasy. 

Sometimes I dream about my characters. I usually don't add what happened in the dream to my ongoing story, though. If I had a really cool/suspenseful dream and was woken up before what was happening in the dream was res
-olved (sorry, accidentally clicked on the button to post it before I was done typing :-b), I daydream a continuation of the dream. I tend to have pretty unusual dreams and I think that it might have something to do with my maladaptive daydreaming (you know, "over active imagination" and all).

You know you are right.. I am guilty on that count too. But just a few tweaks, only if I really want it to end a certain way. You do end up lying on the bed for some more time. That is the part I regret, else it makes for a beautiful story. 
The1andonlyAbber said:

-olved (sorry, accidentally clicked on the button to post it before I was done typing :-b), I daydream a continuation of the dream. I tend to have pretty unusual dreams and I think that it might have something to do with my maladaptive daydreaming (you know, "over active imagination" and all).

When I'm daydreaming heavily, I do not have regular dreams.  I've often wondered if this is because of how imagination works or if it is because I sleep less when I'm daydreaming more.  When I am not daydreaming, my dreams are spontaneous, vibrant and epic.


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