It's weird to explain, I have always had an alter ego, she's like me but she's perfect and she's superior to everybody else and I want to look like her but that's physically impossible unless I had face surgery. I never noticed that she doesn't even look like I really do, Until I noticed my appearance closer. She's dramatic, confident, likeable by even strangers, she's popular, she's attractive, even I find her kinda hot sometimes haha. Her waist is tiny as a child's, shes even got the boyfriend who resembles the boy i kind of find cute in real life. I can never get rid of her until I become her but I can't ever. She changes as my interests in style change (hair, body and features a bit) but she's always better than me. people in my daydreams always react to her the way I want to be looked at, impressed, admired, just different. Anyone have something like this? I feel unhealthy and gross by my hidden personality.

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i know how you feel. My characters are (mostly) what i wish i was like/looked like...especially 3 in particular
I started dressing alot like one of them though. Its how I always wanted to dress but didnt really feel comfortable doing so. Unfortunately my hair is so curly i cant my hair like my character unless i strighten it and its too much time and its bad for hair ;(
But i do my best. The character i was going for, i think our personlities are already alike lol. Shes just alot more out spoken and outgoing than I am, and is liked by everyone and gets alot of attention. Im just kinda awkward and alone lol.

your character sounds like what you want to be might not necessarily look like her but you can dress like her, and take on her traits lol. Try to be more outgoing and working on that.   

I'm thinking that's the way to go. (:


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