Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
Hey there,
Do you experience the following symptoms when you are daydreaming/fantasizing???
Mania symptoms may include excessive happiness, excitement, irritability, restlessness, increased energy, less need for sleep, racing thoughts, high sex drive, and a tendency to make grand and unattainable plans.
Depression symptoms may include sadness, anxiety, irritability, loss of energy, uncontrollable crying, change in appetite causing weight loss or gain, increased need for sleep, difficulty making decisions, and thoughts of death or suicide.
Compulsive Daydreamers under go Rapid Cycling of the two. First Mania in the form of Daydreaming, followed by an episode of Depression minutes or seconds later . Then manic minutes or seconds after feeling depressed. and so on over and over again like a cycle ...
Ok, so i was researching into mental illnesses and came across one that runs in my family. I originally thought to be diagnosed with this illness you would have to be aggressive or violent. I was Wrong!!! All the symptoms of MD can be easily explained through this illness. 99% of all the accounts i have read that involve people treating MD with medication, and in some cases, being CURED from MD involve the exact medication required for this illness. Basically the symptoms i listed above are the exact symptoms of Bipolar type 1 and type 2.
Do NOT be ignorant!!! Do NOT assume you are not Bipolar. Take a good look at the symptoms above and sit down and take a good look at the CONTENT of your daydreams. What do daydream about and how does it make you feel? Does it correlate with the symptoms of Mania as described above, excitement, euphoria, irritability etc. When people say and do things you don't like in your daydreams, how do you respond? are you irritable towards them?
I dream about Success which leads to extreme sexual dreams or dreams of revenge, anger/killing people. In my daydreams i am irritable, powerful, rogue uncontrollable and occasionally heartless. I dream about making things right, correcting this awful world we live in.
My Theory is that people who experience Maladaptive Daydreaming are people who have had a low self-esteem or low confidence levels at some point in life. And at some point in life, went through period with very little social contact or struggled socially in some way. They do not have the confidence to express there Mania in any other way but to Daydream, and end up daydreaming compulsively as a result.
99% of all the accounts of people being treated or cured of daydreaming have involved EITHER: Anti-psychotics OR Anticonvulsants which are two types of drugs used to treat Bipolar amongst others. Anti-psychotics are the favourite for daydreaming for some reason.
However, you can guarantee that some people daydream compulsively - not because they are bipolar, but because of something else such as OCD. There seems to be atleast 4 possible reasons why someone would daydream compulsively. These 4 reasons could be OCD, addiction, depression and Bipolar. But a vast majority of the evidence available so far points to Bipolar. My psychiatrist explained to me that my daydreaming CANNOT be OCD. I cant remember his reasons, i just remember that when he gave me his reasons agreed with 110% that it could not be OCD. However, OCD is a type of depression too. It could be an addiction, but can an addiction lead to Bipolar or be in the form of Bipolar? Yes, it could be depression, however Bipolar is a type of depression and includes depression as one of the symptoms. What this means is that OCD Antidepressants combined with Bipolar medication should guarantee an end to our compulsive daydreaming for a majority of us.
Your might need to try a few OCD Antidepressants to find one that works. Most need to try atleast two. You might have to try a few Antipsychotics to find one that works. And just because you experience side effects from a drug doesn't mean its affecting the section of the brain that it is suppose to affect. There are many different types of Antidepressants and many different types of Antipsychotics. You have to take the right type to have the desired affect. Taking the wrong type of Antidepressant/Antipsychotic may mean that you don't get relief from the illness. In Maladaptive daydreamers, most people from my research took preference to Abilify (Aripiprazole) used for Bipolar type 1 which is more Manic then Bipolar Type 2. Just because someone does not respond to an Antipsychotic in the desired way DOES NOT MEAN they are not Bipolar, it just means that they need to try a couple more Bipolar drugs, possibly one that is a different type to the one they were originally taking. I will try to post the links to my research in treating compulsive daydreaming. There are quite a few links - about 30 .
Here are the symptoms of Bipolar taken from another website - the UK Government organization - the NHS
Beware there are subtle differences in the symptoms of Mania below, the important thing is that you fit majority of the symptoms. Remember your asking yourself if these symptoms are the symptoms you experience when you daydream Outside your daydreams it is likely you don't experience any of the symptoms because your Manic/daydream episode has come to an end.
The manic phase of bipolar disorder may include:
which you can read through the link below.
Also check out Cyclothymia which may apply to many of - its another type of Bipolar.
From what I understand the episodes have to be a decent length of time at least several days and they aren't actually triggered by anything; even when something awful happens the person can still be high as a kite and when something good happens they can still be incredibly sad. It's more like a pendulum, as high up as you go, you'll come down just as much. I'd be careful before assuming you're bipolar.
when I went to a psychiatrist for my MD he labeled me bipolar. But I don't go manic, only depression with the DDs. I tried 3 Antipsychotics, one helped with the MD but side effects were too bad to continue. It's hard for me to except being bipolar without any manic symptoms.
My Mum, two sisters and best friend are Bipolar. I know exactly how Bipolar people act. Manic phase can last minutes or hours rarely days without a depressive phase. In fact I have never seen the Manic phase last for longer then a few hours.
It is triggered by many things actually. Manic people tend to feel like they are being verbally abused when somebody says something negative. My Mum is the perfect example, however she is Bipolar Type 1.
Outside my daydreams, i am the most calm, relaxed and thoughtful person you'll ever meet. My Mum knows this, however if i say something she doesn't like she has MASSIVE debate about what i said, argues about it but never gets violent- not with me. With other people she will get violent. My Mum and sisters have many triggers. When having a Manic episode they will get violent and do things that are nothing short of Insane. That is because they are all Bipolar Type 1.
My friend is Schizoaffective, which is basically the same as Bipolar. He has fewer triggers that lead to a Manic episode. On a night out, i pulled a girl, he never lets me get with attractive girls if he is with me. I told him off for consistently trying to get in my way on every night out and always pushing me away when i am talking to a girl. He flipped! Attacked me! Were fighting for half-an-hour. He tried breaking into my bedroom but could open lock and couldn't kick the door open. He took all the knives out the kitchen and put them in his bedroom. All night he was sending death threats telling me he's gonna kill me. Within a few hours he appologised to me, he said he didn't know what he was thinking. Normally he is so calm, relaxed and overly affectionate with small episodes of mild-mania in between his episodes of affection.
Believe me, i know exactly what classical Bipolar is. I have lived with it for 22 years. When i was a child. When ever the family was together they would fight. Even now i'd get scared that someone was gonna die if the fight didn't end. Living with bipolar people is the most scary thing ever, its like living in a horror. Its just a matter of time before the horror starts again. But like i said they are Bipolar Type 1 which is the most extreme.
I have never seen Bipolar turn to a Manic episode without a trigger. Its just sometimes the trigger is external sometimes the trigger has been caused by something the person is thinking or feeling. Usually you can get a rough idea as to what the trigger is even if it is a thought/feeling usually about something that happened in the past and not an external /current trigger.
Just to clarify - BIPOLAR/MANIA does NOT REQUIRE AGGRESSION OR VIOLENCE it is just something that occurs as a result of irritability in SOME bipolar patients. If you thought that Aggression or Violence was a requirement of bipolar/mania, then you NEED TO RE-READ the DISCUSSION ABOVE as that is NOT one a symptoms in all Bi-polar patients only some like my family and best friend. Sorry if i gave that impression.
There might be a type of Bipolar that doesn't require irritability. Bipolar itself may not necessarily require irritability as long as many of the symptoms describe you - you might still be diagnosed with bipolar despite not being irritable. There is a very good reason why one of the Anti-psychotic worked for you - and it might be that your MD is in some way related/similar to Bipolar through being caused by the same chemicals in brain.
If you read up on bipolar, you will find that many people who have the illness have very high levels of creativity and many show symptoms of inattentive ADD, and difficulty concentrating. This is not consistent in Bipolar people however it is one of the many trends in people with Bipolar
It is also important to know that there are many illnesses related to Bipolar that in someway are the same and in some way are different such as Borderline Personality Disorder etc etc . You have to take a look at the true definition of Mania, ask yourself what is this website called - WILD MINDS.
Like i said Bipolar might not require irritability (just a possibility) and may show the symptoms of ADHD/ADD Inattentive Type in some people according scientists.
Have you tried Anti-convulsants/lithium, if the cause of MD is the same as bi-polar to some extent or if it is Bipolar then Anti-convulsant and lithium might help with fewer symptoms? Just a thought.
greyartist said:
when I went to a psychiatrist for my MD he labeled me bipolar. But I don't go manic, only depression with the DDs. I tried 3 Antipsychotics, one helped with the MD but side effects were too bad to continue. It's hard for me to except being bipolar without any manic symptoms.
Several reasons why I DD: 1) boredom, 2) don't want to wake up tired
My life is pretty boring; I don't have money to go to places and try out new experiences. Daydreaming spices up my life by allowing me to imagine scenarios that are fun and exciting. When I have multiple successive dreams in a row, I wake up dead tired and wished I had not dreamed in the first place. Dreaming at night is not as draining as dreaming in the morning.
Hmm not sure if I have this or not. I usually day dream most of the time and get side tracked by every little thought and tend to feel a bit better because it sometimes helps with my anxiety and other feelings . Ehh I'm so confused
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