Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
Hello everybody. I'm naturally inquisitive person and ever since I have found this website, I'm astonished by a sheer number of fellow MDers. I'd love to know how your dreamworlds (DW) differ from mine in some ways. I'm not sure if these questions had been asked in the past, so bear with me.
Brief replies or elaborate ones are both welcomed. Feel free to answer whichever questions you are comfortable with. Here it comes:
1. Where is your DW located? Is it your own country or at least planet Earth and if so, are you DDing about modern times or the past/future? Or is your DW located in other worlds/realities/galaxy?
2. This question is connected to the first one. Do you DD only about real people (planet Earth only) and somehow possible situations or do you have different races/species or supernatural elements in your DW?
3. What are the professions/occupations in your DW? Esp. those hold by the recurrent characters in your DW or even characters who you identify with (that is if you do identify with some of your characters).
4. Do you have a peaceful DW (quiet family life, hanging with friends, etc.) with little to no conflicts whatsoever... sort of like rose garden trope or are there (from time to time) any adversaries/precarious situations which the characters have to struggle through first?
5. This one may sound strange, since DDers are the creators of their worlds, but it reveals some of our own desires and expectations... Which personality traits/qualities do you admire the most in:
- the characters you identify with,
- the other inhabitants of your DW (e.g. your partner/spouse/friends/relatives/co-workers or just casual acquaintances).
6. Last one is for DDers who draw inspiration from the fiction/celebrities. Can you write down names some of concrete celebrities, who are included in your DW? Or names of fandoms you enjoy (books, films, tv shows...)? Write as many as you want, I wonder how many heavy duty fans are here. :-)
My DD are realistic and have real people in them, but also people that are not real. I am a character and in my DD I am an author and have written 3 bestseller books,I also travel and sing in my spare time. My other characters have jobs, but do the jobs they do in real life. I have a rather large home, and have one hired hand who is a cook/maid position, but I do not call her my maid, she is like a friend (this person is not real, but her name is Rosa). This is ONE story line that goes through my head. I have several, but right now this is the one that stays on top. Maybe one day, I will sit down and write out my story lines and characters here.
Everything takes place here on earth.....LOL (in real houses, and in real towns)
Looks like fun! Do not forget answering it yourself too, ok? :)
1. Where is your DW located? Is it your own country or at least planet Earth and if so, are you DDing about modern times or the past/future? Or is your DW located in other worlds/realities/galaxy?
I am a nomad of imaginary worlds. Needless to say, I have a whole universe of fitting space-times with various rules of existence. These can be:
-In the real world, past, present, or close future. I may focus on nanoscale or mega-scale too. However, it is almost always on the surface of the planet.
I sometimes project my characters/designs/interfaces right on my real-life surrounds.
-Sci-fi worlds. This is sometimes Anoria, a future galactic meta-democracy I have written stories about. Also, it can happen in a far future with a diffrent lifestyle.
-Combined universes. For example a cross-over of the CERN labs with the dinosaur era (not like jurassic park, I'm talking about the two ages suddenly co-existing for no obvious reason!) Or a cross-over of the Harry Potter world, my Anorian universe, and the current crisis-tormented earth. That is the kind of monstrosity I can give birth at :p
-In a world of fairytales. This contains worlds that aren't of the above categories, and usually allow the existence of magic.
-In a world of paranormal mysteries. I sometimes wonder (wander?) on topics about religion, ghosts, aliens e.t.c.
-In a pre-made world of literature or some movie. Usually after reading/watching something interesting.
2. This question is connected to the first one. Do you DD only about real people (planet Earth only) and somehowpossible situations or do you have different races/species or supernatural elements in your DW?
I often find reality to be restricting...
For example, I once wrote a fairytale about alive clothes. And then a sci-fi sequel. :p
The fact I'm into stuff like anime, Harry Potter, and Douglas Adams should give you a good idea of my craziness. :p
3. What are the professions/occupations in your DW? Esp. those hold by the recurrent characters in your DW or even characters who you identify with (that is if you do identify with some of your characters).
One of my basics is a student of "institute of Translational Psychology and Psychokinetics", called Psychowitch from commonsfolk. In short, it is the evolution of psychology, and the masters can have impressively big impact on the human mind. Other professions are quizist (playing in quiz games for cash), thief, hacker (branches: bio-hacker, digi-hacker, ghost-hacker e.t.c.), digital undertaker, universal counsellor, artist (various types, as I want to be one. My favorite is a parkour-graffiti combination!), doctor, flying gardener, anonymous worker (anonymous because they do shitty jobs in exchange for anonymity, nothing digital), inventor (also because I sometimes want to be one. I have a pizza inventor grandpa character, interesting guy), shoe factory bosses, and lots more...usual and unusual...
4. Do you have a peaceful DW (quiet family life, hanging with friends, etc.) with little to no conflicts whatsoever... sort of like rose garden trope or are there (from time to time) any adversaries/precarious situations which the characters have to struggle through first?
Wouldn't be fun without troubles! But I only put them through troubles I've seen before, in literature or real life. It's the one thing I have a hard time being creative at.
5. This one may sound strange, since DDers are the creators of their worlds, but it reveals some of our own desires and expectations... Which personality traits/qualities do you admire the most in:
- the characters you identify with,
- the other inhabitants of your DW (e.g. your partner/spouse/friends/relatives/co-workers or just casual acquaintances).
The only characters I identify with are my "4 animal teachers". Wolf can stay calm and compassionate under any pressure, yet being strict if it's needed. He's also social without talking too much.
Snake can be cunning, accurate and effective (without being evil), and can always see reality with perfect clarity.
Lion can achieve his goals via careful preparation, and stay at the top of the food chain, still having enough time to be lazy and without worries. Also, he isn't afraid to make changes to his environment when neeed.
Monkey is really loving, yet isn't limited by her feelings towards others. She can be herself and go wherever she wants, changing the world with her good heart more than the world cruelties affects her.
Other characters? Well...Melissa, one of my sci-fi characters, can go through anything without losing her cool, and is amazing at socializing. She can even crowd-control at times, and can always make diffrent people unerstand each other. She is strong and creative, although relaxed and lazy.
The Lord of Games is practically unbeatable in anything.
Son, my hacker, can be in a lot of worlds at the same time, without neglecting real life.
Serafino, a thief, can get what he needs without major guilt. My doctor is a universal genius, yet has no pride to consume his caring side.
Dreamsage, a universal sage, accepts her mistakes and does her best to easen them, no matter how much she hurt (herself and others).
My mecha-coats aren't afraid to put their life in the line for an unreachable justice.
Den, an alien girl-gangster, is liked by a lot of people despite looking so diffrent.
Well, these are the basic ones :p
6. Last one is for DDers who draw inspiration from the fiction/celebrities. Can you write down names some of concrete celebrities, who are included in your DW? Or names of fandoms you enjoy (books, films, tv shows...)? Write as many as you want, I wonder how many heavy duty fans are here. :-)
I used to be a passionate Potter-fan, but I don't DD about it after the series ended. Now I'm not a fan of something specific. I read/watch as much good stuff as I can, and let my subconscious sort it out.
1. Where is your DW located? Is it your own country or at least planet Earth and if so, are you DDing about modern times or the past/future? Or is your DW located in other worlds/realities/galaxy?
My DW is usually in the states, even though I live in New Zealand. Its because thats where my main character is from. Its in the present but my main character is exactly as he was in the late 80s, early 90s because that is when he was in his prime.
2. This question is connected to the first one. Do you DD only about real people (planet Earth only) and somehow possible situations or do you have different races/species or supernatural elements in your DW?
I used to have differnt galaxies, species etc when I was a child but now its always set in this world with real people. I like it to be as close to reality as I can make it.
3. What are the professions/occupations in your DW? Esp. those hold by the recurrent characters in your DW or even characters who you identify with (that is if you do identify with some of your characters).
All my characters are actually high school students completing their last year, but the main guy in my day dreams is just starting his musical career, yet to be discovered.
4. Do you have a peaceful DW (quiet family life, hanging with friends, etc.) with little to no conflicts whatsoever... sort of like rose garden trope or are there (from time to time) any adversaries/precarious situations which the characters have to struggle through first?
Oh yes always a struggle. My story at the moment focus's on a girl who falls in love with a bad boy rock star. Her father is heavily religious and very strict and at the beginning of the story she is already in a relationship with a good little christian boy. All shit hits the fan once she gives up her "perfect" boyfriend and defys her family to go out with the rockstar.
5. This one may sound strange, since DDers are the creators of their worlds, but it reveals some of our own desires and expectations... Which personality traits/qualities do you admire the most in:
- the characters you identify with,
Fun, out going, honest and caring
- the other inhabitants of your DW (e.g. your partner/spouse/friends/relatives/co-workers or just casual acquaintances).
extremly loyal, passionate, talented, honest, romantic.
6. Last one is for DDers who draw inspiration from the fiction/celebrities. Can you write down names some of concrete celebrities, who are included in your DW? Or names of fandoms you enjoy (books, films, tv shows...)? Write as many as you want, I wonder how many heavy duty fans are here
I draw my inspiration from music
Nine inch nails in particular- Trent reznor is my idea of the perfect man
I am also obsessed with the music of Maynard James Keenan - Tool and A Perfect Circle.
usually Scotland or Ireland or an unknown place. Almost always in the past, ancient past. A few in far future. None in present.
2.real people?
Human, but not people I really know or celebs
hmmm, different types; trader, village elder, weaver, time traveler, whatever fits.
4.peaceful or struggle?
always a struggle. Usually about fitting in or being excepted. Like being stranded in a strange land, having to find a way to servive, make friends, start a life.
5.qualities you admire?
my character has most of the qualities I don't want. Weak, helpless, needy.
the men in my DW are strong, decisive, brave, honorable, etc. knight in shinning armor syndrom.
no celebs in my DW
1. I MD in the modern times. My dreamworld does not exist in real life.
2. My DD characters are humans, lizards, artificial lifeforms, and unknown monsters/races.
3. detective, police, commander, doctor, ruler, leader of a group, technicians
4. Sometimes, my DDs can be peaceful and romantic, but most times they’re filled with conflict and turmoil.
5. I have loyal, kind, caring, intelligent, persistent, helpful, magnanimous and beautiful (inner and outer) characters.
1. United States (my country), and occasionally Canada, Germany, France, and Japan. Past and modern times.
2. Mostly real people. Some exceptions are anime characters and my ideal self (I have a super power).
3. Psychologist, soccer player, singer, teacher, soldier, military characters become anything!
4. Some of my DWs are peaceful, reflecting everyday mundane life. Others are extremely dramatic and ridiculous. I generally focus on mental and physical disorders and romance.
5. I'd like to have the outgoing personality of my characters (I'm extremely shy, so I use my characters to explore situations I wouldn't dare...).
6. My ideal self (or my super power, rather) is based on the character Drew Arlen (Beggars and Choosers by Nancy Kress). And one of my characters is based on the character Lyle Kaufman (Probability Sun by Nancy Kress). Now and then I borrow characters from series, but most of mine are original.
This has changed. When I was younger It was on several other alien planets. Used to put my head down in the middle of class and be "teleported" to their planet and help them save their planet from attack. Now all of my dreams are located in my hometown.
As of now everyone is real. Was not true in my early years.
A high-school teacher. The perfect boyfriend. A troubled but highly intelligent, talented, and well liked high school student. Lots of others but those are the ones that I have everyday, several times a day.
It's honestly 50/50.
The things I admire the most are intelligence, social intelligence(articulate), and physical strength.
Fiction/celebrities are not present in my world.
1.many of my dd are located in california texas new york
2.i dd about real people , real huge houses ,expensive cars and clothes
3.doctors lawyers authors actors and polices ,etc jobs that make them rich
4.there are lots of conflicts in my dd because i like to keep it exciting
5.character : anna
anna is sweet quite and horribly shy , she gets thoses personality traits for me
character : natelia
natelia is fun spontanous and very smart
i wish i could be more like her
6.time traveler's wife , twlight , harry potter 's movies , james patterson 's books
1. time/place
Most of my dreams happen in a place I've researched and cobbled together called Ditmune. It's a completely fantasied place with 3000 years of history, so time is kinda hard to put down, yet if I was to make a generalization, dark ages like.
2. real vs. speculative
I have both of these, a lot of normal people and a lot of nonhumans too. In my dreams, both can exist, but not necessarily coexist.
3. professions
Interesting choice of question here. Yes I know the professions of these people. Depending on where the people are from, they range from fullers to landed knights to alchemists. Some are kings, others have a profession that is also what they are - mages.
4. peaceful vs. action
Depends on my mood. Both happen.
5. traits/ qualities of identities/others
The ones I identify with vary quite a lot, but they all have one thing in common: they are all outsiders. Maybe they are of a forbidden nature, maybe they aren't human, maybe they are the only ones who act the way they do, but still they aren't like everyone else. Now the other characters, each have something I find in myself -and I may even travel in their shoes for a while, but I always return to specific characters.
6. any already created characters
Occasionally I'll engage in the pre-created fantasies. The world from Rhapsody's Enchanted Lands is one I like to visit often. I also like the Legacy of Kain's world too. Usually when I engage in these, I don't have my own character, I am one already present and I either finish the story or change it to become more coherent. I do these when either I have just indulged in something of theirs (like playing a LoK game) or if I am feeling particularly lazy with my dreams.
1-I sort of have three, though one's starting to fade a bit, because I'm spending so much time in the other two. The one I've had my whole life is based in the now, the newest one I've started is based (with me in the military, of all things (Red vs Blue/ Project Freelancer, with variations)) in a few years time, maybe two, three years. I think I start when I'm twenty or twenty-one, so that'd be 3-4 years away. The other one is based after that, when I'm self-sufficient, and I'm somewhere between about 25-30 years. Roughly.
2- Weeell.... Seeing as I can turn into 6 different things, it kinda can't be completely real haha! Plus it's based here on Earth, but I have one part in the Freelancer Dream World where I end up on the Mother of Invention (again, RvB reference) so in space, which is weird because the covenant, the aliens in RvB/Halo, don't exist in my DD, nor is it based in the year 2554 or anything.... weird.
3- Uuuh... Now, I guess I would be studying where I actually am studying, then I end up in Project Freelancer, then I end up (as I really with to) Self-sufficient. You know, with about 5 acres and a few more horses than necessary but that's okay 'cause they're awesome.
4-Now that I think of it... Though I do have good scenarios, they're just like 'extra videos' type things, and never part of the main storyline. The parts that seem to stick are mostly the bad things - causing me best friends death, being kidnapped and... I'll just say hurt, killing people (Freelancer), People being assholes to me by bringing up the bad stuff.... so yeah, a lot of it is bad stuff.
5-Um.... thinking, thinking..... Well, I play a different me, but if I ignore the whole I-turn-into-6-other-creatures thing, I would be an awesome fighter, and good with long-distance weapons (primarily shepherd's sling and sniper rifle and knife throwing) and I can be a bit sillier at times, and a bit more cheerful (not always, mind) and more confident and less... fumble-y with my words. I'm also more alert, more observant and not as tired as often. I'm also more likely to see if someone's upset or something, you know, can sense their mood better. I don't waste my time in a fantasy world (daydreamer daydreaming about a daydreamer daydreaming about.....yeah, kind of pointless). The one thing I don't like? I ramble so much more so easily in my head. I think it's part of why I sometimes ramble while typing. Like now. And other inhabitants? Well.... I don't like Jake. No, that's not right. I don't want to like him. I won't get into that. Karla is like, my best friend, even though we start arguing really easily. I swear she often disagrees just for the sake of disagreeing. Once we got into a fight in front of others about whether we fight a lot or not. I was right, of course! Haha And Coy (Coyote- haven't got a real name for him, just the codename. It's a variation of the Freelancer thing, they have state names, we have predator names.) I don't quite know about the traits, though, 'cause this DW is maybe what, a month old, just over? And he's been around as more than a co-worker/friend for about two, three weeks.
Aaand finally...
6- I often put myself in books I'm reading at the time, but I guess the ones that have noticeably influenced my DDs would be Earth's Children books (Jean M. Auel) and currently (I just got majorly into it again- did once in year 8 when there were only 5 seasons, now they're starting 11) Red vs Blue (Primarily the later stuff aka Project Freelancer. Which is earlier in a timeline, but later in the series. I have the season 1-10 box set with 14 disks. It is so awesome. And a poster. So cool.) Also, I guess I could put my organics course I'm studying at the moment and John Seymour's New Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency. If it wasn't for that book, I'd have no idea what I want to do with my life, either.
1. A completely separate fantasy dimension that also has ties to the real world. Ish. It's sorta complicated. ^^; There are three basic "levels" that a dimension can be in. Here's the gist of how it's set up, from highest level to lowest: Real World | Original Fiction | Fan Fiction. Most of my DD take place in the lower two, but occasionally I'll have one about my personal future in the real world.
2. Almost always fake people, not including myself (although, back when I had a huge crush on someone I would often daydream about him, too). In my daydreams, I become omnipotent when I cross into the lower two levels (which I do often), but am still my very human, very mortal, and very imperfect self in the real world (obviously).
3. Ummm... Superhero? Lol I have a LOT of them since I have several different planets & races to keep track of. There's a Princess (who becomes a Queen), an animal trainer, an inventor, a doctor, an artist, a singer, a composer, a journalist, a doctor, an FBI agent (there's a world that's based off of Earth, but is not Earth), a fashion designer, a farmer... etc.
4. Conflict central, but the good guys always win. xD
5. I've discovered that my main characters all represent different facets of my personality, and I can always count on at least one of them to react to a given situation the way that I would. That being said, the one I admire most is the Princess mentioned above. She's based off of Galadriel from LotR, but honestly acts a lot more like a cross between Arwen and Eowyn. xD I mainly admire her grace, wisdom, strength, and ability to lead.
6. Oh goodness. I have original characters based off of other characters, and fan-fiction daydreams... oh boy. Here's a list of the fan-fiction daydreams I have most often:
- Star Wars
- Bleach
- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
And now for the famous characters that some of my DD characters are based off of (mind you, most of them have completely different personalities than who they were originally based on):
- Ash Ketchum
- Haku/Kohaku River (the dragon boy from Spirited Away)
- Galadriel
- 10th Doctor
- Toshiro Hitsugaya
- Momo Hinamori
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
1. Where is your DW located? Is it your own country or at least planet Earth and if so, are you DDing about modern times or the past/future? Or is your DW located in other worlds/realities/galaxy?
Mostly on Earth, but sometimes it goes to a whole nother world/galaxy that's super different than planet Earth. My daydreams are usually kinda in the future, because I'm older, but not like centuries in the future just like a decade or two.
2. This question is connected to the first one. Do you DD only about real people (planet Earth only) and somehow possible situations or do you have different races/species or supernatural elements in your DW?
Mostly real people, but sometimes some different species come in with supernatural elements.
3. What are the professions/occupations in your DW? Esp. those hold by the recurrent characters in your DW or even characters who you identify with (that is if you do identify with some of your characters).
Mine have normal occupations. Most don't have jobs at all actually, though they still live fine without money. It's complicated. It's different than how it is in the real world. It's foreign, it can get scary.
4. Do you have a peaceful DW (quiet family life, hanging with friends, etc.) with little to no conflicts whatsoever... sort of like rose garden trope or are there (from time to time) any adversaries/precarious situations which the characters have to struggle through first?
A lot of my daydreams are what some people call "negative daydreams" meaning they might be violent (like mine are) and scary and sad and stuff, but there are a lot that are just me spending time with my DW family.
5. This one may sound strange, since DDers are the creators of their worlds, but it reveals some of our own desires and expectations... Which personality traits/qualities do you admire the most in:
- the characters you identify with,
- the other inhabitants of your DW (e.g. your partner/spouse/friends/relatives/co-workers or just casual acquaintances).
Mostly of characters I identify with. There might be a few different characters whose personality traits I really admire, but it's mostly the characters I identify with.
6. Last one is for DDers who draw inspiration from the fiction/celebrities. Can you write down names some of concrete celebrities, who are included in your DW? Or names of fandoms you enjoy (books, films, tv shows...)? Write as many as you want, I wonder how many heavy duty fans are here. :-)
Twilight is a big one. It's what my daydreams were when they first started (without as much romance, more family stuff. I was always kinda wowed at the Cullen family and how close they all were to each other), but they kinda evolved over time and became a little different. Some of the aspects are from TV shows (Nikita has had a little bit to do with my daydreams) and books like Unwind, sometimes The Hunger Games has something to do with it, Twilight (obviously), and other books. It's like, all of those things and more I didn't mention plus somethings just added by my inflated imagination. Celebrities aren't really in my daydreams.
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