Addressing the great debate as to whether Maladaptive Daydreaming is good or bad.

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Comment by Floris on January 29, 2013 at 5:09pm

Good and bad. Good if you can channel all the energy into something creative, most obvious outlet is writing.

Even when you succeed in channeling "it", there still is bad, life will not be without problems. I would recommend reading Gods in Every Man by Jean Shinoda Bolen to understand problems of being inward-minded, having the god Hades as a primary archetype.

Comment by Em on November 10, 2011 at 10:55pm

I agree 100%. I think that it's one of my best qualities and worst qualities. I'm smarter and more creative because of it and it really helps me get perspective on things and come up with new ideas. However, I can get shut in my head very easily and I miss so much reality that it's no good. People sometimes think that I don't care about things because I'm so distracted all the time. If I work at a job that requires speed and organization that's when my daydreaming really takes a toll. It's definitely an addiction of mine but I also need it to some extent. It's like being addicted to food. I can't kick my addiction altogether because that's not healthy, so I have to be extremely disciplined about it... only there's no long walk to the refrigerator to make me second guess myself. Before I know it, I'm there.

Comment by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on August 14, 2011 at 10:59pm
Just because it's not bad right now doesn't mean you can daydream all you want.  You don't want to wait until it's out of control before you try to control it.  If you can manage it, then perhaps you can have the best of both worlds.  However you must be aware of how bad it can get, and you must actively try and control it now before it gets bad.  If you wait until it's out of control, you'll regret it a lot.  Trust me.  Be smart about it and think about the future.
Comment by Becca on August 14, 2011 at 10:02pm
So you're telling me that I can daydream all I want and as long as it doesn't distract me from my relationships and my school? Maybe I don't have MD after all then.
Comment by lacey brown on July 18, 2011 at 9:18am
and very good video
Comment by lacey brown on July 18, 2011 at 9:12am
like the hair:)
Comment by dangous mind on June 7, 2011 at 2:57pm
Hi, I just joined today. Looks like a great place to be to be talking about this problem. I call myself dangous mind because I have very bad daydreams a lot.
Comment by roxanne on April 27, 2011 at 9:07pm
I love that this web site is open and welcoming to everyone.  It has been amazing to me how many different experiences people have.  There seems to be a common denominator, though, of creativity & compassion, for the most part.  I love being a part of this circle.
Comment by Creator on April 18, 2011 at 10:28am
I agree, it's both, not one or the other. I'm glad you posted about this.

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