Would you be embarrased for anyone to know "what" you dd about?

I would just D-I-E!  Too much goes on in my dds.  Too many serious stories and wayyy too much sex to be real.......  Glad I have you guys to spill to.

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Comment by Wish Upon A Wish on January 30, 2013 at 12:32am

Oh God. There's a bit of sex, a few good things, stuff based on shows and books and a sh**tonne of negative stuff. If someone knew, they'd be like, "why'd you take stuff from this show/that book?" And I'd be like, "I don't know. How the f*** should I know?"

And then they'd be like "Why does all this bad stuff happen to/around you? If you're have your own other world, why not make it good?" And I'd be like, "All good would be boring." And they'd be like, "Why not put more good stuff in there, not have so much sad stuff?" And I'd say, annoyed, something like, "Well, I don't know. It doesn't work like that." And they'd be all like, "Then how does it work?"

Yeeah.... No. Really, no thanks. Plus the whole me shape shifting thing...

Just no. I'd hate that.

Though I don't mind telling bits to you guys. Chances are I'll never meet any of you, so it's all okay, plus you understand. :)

Comment by Annie on January 29, 2013 at 11:51pm

Yeah. I guess in a way I would be pretty embarrassed. ^.^

Dont dream much about the topic you mentioned above....but really what sounds more normal daydreaming about sex or about talking cars??? Yeah. I'm a strange one. =D

Comment by Selena on January 29, 2013 at 11:22pm
I would definitely be embarrassed....

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