Sad that your DD life is not true?

I am......  Wish I could have the life I dd about.  Frustrates the hell out of me.  Anybody that says that "Life is What You Make It" lies.  If my life was what I made it in my DD.... Bliss!


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Comment by Rachel on December 24, 2012 at 7:27pm

I have  a lot of negative daydreams. Meaning, daydreams full of fear and grief and sadness and anger and violence and death. Those I don't want to be true, but the good ones I'd LOVE to be true.

Comment by Gina Black on December 23, 2012 at 7:55pm

Mostly no.

1)I don't think I'd be allowed to hang around with talking animals in the midle of the city, not before FBI took them away for experiments.

2)I'd need to have 2-3 clones to make it to all my DD lives... Being a a virtuoso violinist and a bestseller writer and the owner of an arts company and an inventor and a singer and a cult leader and married with a hottie and having 1-2 kids...that would take one helluva time...

3)Having supernatural powers...sounds like fun, but accidentally putting the PC on fire, or foreseeing your own death, or making the wrong wish come true...I'm not 100% sure I'd love it. (A firethrower is more reliable, in the end :p )

4) I'm enough lucky to be able to have a life that is what I make it, at least so far. It takes a lot of fighting, but it is more interesting, the way I see it :) I'd go insane if suddenly all my DDs came true, I wouldn't know what to do!

5)...okay, if my neighbors weren't deranged psychopaths, which I'm afraid they are, I'd love it... If there wasn't economical crisis too...or racist gangs in my area... My own little world is fine as it is for the time being, it's the outside that worries me.

Comment by Nicoletta on December 22, 2012 at 11:19pm

I wish mine were real. It would be spectacular.

Comment by Yaz on December 22, 2012 at 3:15am
I also wish it was real!
Comment by taffle on December 19, 2012 at 7:39am
One part of me wants it to be real but the other part doesn't.
Comment by littleschrodinger'scat on December 18, 2012 at 5:11pm

Yeah. I'm very sad that it can't be real.

Comment by Wish Upon A Wish on December 18, 2012 at 4:16pm

I kind of do, because there's more happening and, well, if I had that life, I'd be my idealized self. But thinking more deeply about it, I know it's good I don't, as I have a lot of bad things that happen to/around me (good things too, but often bad things are really bad, and good things are just good.) Though yeah, in some ways I do want that life, despite the bad things.

Comment by greyartist on December 18, 2012 at 8:12am

I do find myself yurning for it. But I don't know why. Most people would consider my real life much better then the senerios I DD. I have not figured out what it is I feel I am missing. All part of the torment of MD

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