why am i so attached to my characters??


last week, i  was lying in bed daydreaming, and it was about something really sad happening to some of my characters. i started crying.

afterwards, i felt weird.

these are fictional people that i created in my head.

why am i so attached to them?

i also like to edit pictures of people from the internet (mostly celebrities) to look like my characters, because i like to look at them in real life and not just in my head. i was doing that a lot yesterday. i feel like if the actual people in the pictures knew that i was daydreaming about characters that look just like them but with minor changes 40% of the time that i'm awake, they'd be really creeped out. but they'll never find out. so i guess that's good.

i just love my characters so much. i think they're all so interesting, and that' s probably why MD is so addicting to me.

are any of you as attached to your characters as i am?

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Comment by debbie downer on February 6, 2012 at 1:44pm

when i say "kill off", i mean they literally die in the daydream.

Comment by Skylar Grey on February 3, 2012 at 9:12pm

I think its incredible how we can be so attached to something that we know isnt real. Truth is, ive created my own circle of friends in my head. James,Nick,Raven,Charlotte,Ash,Ross, Patch, and me Skylar. James is with me a LOT in the real world. He helps me get through things that I cant face on my own. When something tragic happens to James in my daydreams (never death. I would never be able to handle that) I get a real ache in my chest and get teary-eyed. Its like no matter how imaginary these characters are, they will always be real in my heart (no matter how cheesy that sounds haha)

Comment by roxanne on February 3, 2012 at 2:49pm

When you all say "kill off" a character, do you actually mean killing them off, or just letting them fade, and someone else takes over that role?

Comment by Wish Upon A Wish on February 3, 2012 at 2:13pm
I don't cry much out of daydreams, so it makes it harder to cry in real life about something in a daydream, the closest I can get is a few tears running. I've killed off only one character, who in the DD was one of my best friends, but somehow it seems to work out. Often in my daydreams I 'don't think about something' to 'deal' with it, so after about 2.5 years after killing him off.... (well, after I killed him in the daydream) I've had a lot of time to 'get over it', but I can't talk about it or I'll start crying, 'cause I don't think about it.
I've tried killing other characters, but it just doesn't feel... right.
Comment by rainydaydreams on February 2, 2012 at 3:48pm

im very attached in my 'long running epic' as i call it i have two strands, one where one of my main charactor lives the other were he dies. Crying and every other emotion is par for the course.

Comment by Amber W. on January 30, 2012 at 2:41pm

I've done the crying thing before also.  I haven't killed any characters but I've thought about if someone near me passed away and how I would handle it and started crying before.  Pretty elaborate scenarios I dreamed up.  Then I thought to myself how odd of a person I was to be thinking those things in the first place.  Sheesh.  I'm glad I'm not alone. 

Comment by Elizabeth on January 30, 2012 at 8:15am

I do that too.. Its so strange. I realized that if I think of something sad enough, I can make myself cry (which would be cool if we were actors/actresses b/c they have to be able to drum up emotion). This is interesting because I know people who don't or have a hard time crying at actual real sad events, and I can at fictional ones! The same goes for funny, happy, angry, etc. I think its because a lot of us are very empathetic and can feel what others feel - real or not. Its like we are or have relationships with these characters and feel their pain, triumphs and weaknesses. These connections make it hard to try and give MD up.

Comment by Kirsty Amhert on January 29, 2012 at 10:12pm

These characters are made entirely of fragments of yourself, if you think deeply about it. You've put much thought and effort into these fictional people, and spend countless amounts of time with them. 

I couldn't imagine not loving my characters because of that.

Comment by Emily on January 29, 2012 at 3:49pm

@BilboBaggins Man, I hate not being able to express myself through art and writing. I'm not artistic enough nor can ever find the right words... :/

I think we all love are characters. A current DD I have involves my closeness with people, I have a brother, boyfriend, and 3 friends who adore me and would lay their lives down to save me. Lol, but in many of my DD, the storyline involves the more magical properties, as in they come back to life. Geez though, I've gotten quite worked up when I have killed off a character, don't ever think you're strange.

Comment by greyartist on January 29, 2012 at 11:47am

Yes, I caught myself crying yesterday, and my husband and son were outside so I had to try to pull it together before they came inside and see.

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