1. when you daydream, do you daydream about yourself and people you know in real life? or do you use characters that you made up, or are based off of celebrities or book/movie/tv show characters?
  2. do you have one continuous daydream that you keep adding on to, like a never ending movie in your head? or do you daydream about different scenarios (characters, setting, plot, etc) each time?
  3. do you make any motions when you daydream?

my answers:

  1. i use (mostly) characters that are based off of celebrities, but i change up their personalities. some (very few) of them are inspired by people that i know in real life, but none of my characters like that are exactly like how the real people are... their looks are different, they like to do different things, etc. there are some characters that i have made up completely.
  2. i have one daydream that i keep adding on to. in fact, before i know about MD, i called my daydreaming "the never ending movie in my head"! xD
  3. i pace. i also like to lie down while i daydream. i don't have to be pacing or lying down to daydream, i just prefer it. i listen to music while i daydream (but not when i'm lying down, because for some reason it keeps me from concentrating), and a lot of the time, i find myself mouthing the words to the song that i'm listening to. i also make some (but not all) of the motions that my characters make if there's nobody else around... like, if one of my character moves their arms, i'll move mine. it's weird.

i'm just curious, because it seems like everyone on here daydreams differently, and i want to see who daydreams the closest to how i do it.

i love this website so much. it's so great to know that i'm not the only one who does this. :3

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Comment by H89 on April 16, 2012 at 12:15am
  1. when you daydream, do you daydream about yourself and people you know in real life? or do you use characters that you made up, or are based off of celebrities or book/movie/tv show characters?
  2. do you have one continuous daydream that you keep adding on to, like a never ending movie in your head? or do you daydream about different scenarios (characters, setting, plot, etc) each time?
  3. do you make any motions when you daydream?

1. In my daydreams I'm the creator and executive producer of a TV show about depression era con artists. All of my main characters are made up people. Some of the "guest stars" are real celebrities, but very few. 

2. Continuous, I keep adding on

3. I listen to my iPod and I tend to pace around quite a bit. Sometimes I'll just sit on the couch or lay down on my bed and stare into space while I'm daydreaming. Other times I'll close my eyes while I daydream. I've caught myself "talking outloud" my lips will move if thoughts are going through my head very fast. I've also cried and laughed by mistake in public before. 

Comment by Nicole L on April 15, 2012 at 12:38am

1. Most of my daydreams involve myself interacting with my characters. Many of my characters are people I've encountered in real life. For instance, an attractive guy or someone who I find interesting for whatever reason. I'll use the real life person, and mold them into a character,  giving them a name, a personality, and a life history.

2. I have several different types of go-to day dreams, each with their own character and plot.  Some revolve around the idealized Me, others revolve around my characters. 

3. Yes, I do move quite a lot when I daydream, which is what I personally find to be the strangest part about my dd. When I dd I shake objects, something that I haven't heard many of other dd'ers admit to. I will also slip into dd when I am walking or riding in the car, especially if I'm listening to music. I too will make facial expressions that go along with my dd's or I'll mouth words while I dd, something I'm not usually aware of. Lol, people will often ask me why I smile so much when I walk. It's because I'm daydreaming.

Comment by Katie on April 14, 2012 at 12:58pm
1.) I guess it's a mix, it's really how I feel to be honest.

2.) thinking about it I've been adding on to the same daydream for about a year and a bit now... Maybe even more... I don't know how I get bored really :P

3.) when i really get into I find that I mouth what I'm saying, sometimes I make facial expressions- but really we all do when we generally think- sometimes I flex and re flex my foot, strange I know but it's become a habit.
Comment by Darren on April 12, 2012 at 8:54pm

1. when i daydream, i have an idealized version of myself and people i know in real life are in my daydreams

2. i have a continuous daydream i add on to, well it pretty much keeps repeating itself 

3. if i get really into a dd, i'll start to pace quickly but if i do, it'll be like for 5 seconds, then i'll be like wow im a fucking retard lol

Comment by Jennifer on April 11, 2012 at 12:44pm

1) Actually, when I daydream, I have an idealized version of myself as my own character. She is everything I want to be: How she looks, her personality, and her talents and achievements in life. Her name is Lizzie. (Elizabeth.) Also, I have many made up characters, such as idealized friends, family members, and school acquaintances. And I also have a couple of characters based off of one movie in particular, which I'd rather not say what movie, for it is...rather embarrassing. xD


2) I also have one continuous daydream that's like a novel/movie. I'm actually writing a story based off of my daydreams.


3) Oh God...I am really ashamed of this. I full out act out my daydreams. I'll walk, pace, spin, talk, laugh, cry, etc as if my daydreams are actually happening in front of my eyes...It makes them more vibrant; more realistic for me somehow. I only do this when I'm alone, of course. In public, sometimes I'll accidentally drift off and daydream in my head, and catch myself making seriously embarrassing facial expressions and movements.


Wow, it is really interesting reading what others replied to these questions. Thanks for your answers to your own questions, and for the fascinating blog, as well!



Comment by Alexander on April 10, 2012 at 7:10pm

1. I mostly just have alternate versions of myself (realistic and unrealistic) and the rest of the people are usually made up except for one of my characters.

2. I have two continuous daydreams that I've had for quite a long time but occasionally I'll have others but only for a short amounts of time.  

3. I usually listen to music and rock back and forth but only when I'm by myself. I also have the habit of mouthing words I say and others say. I also tend to do gesturing and movement that I'm doing or other characters are doing. I usually get some weird looks now and then so I try to be discreet but I kind of fail. :)


Comment by greyartist on April 9, 2012 at 6:57am

1. me and made up characters

2. different scenarios, almost always a simular plot but different settings, time periods

3. yes, facial expressions, hand movments, walking 

Comment by Wish Upon A Wish on April 9, 2012 at 3:03am

1) Almost all are made up. One was slightly based off this one guy I didn't know that well, only saw him once or twice, but he's a different name, personality etc. The only thing I really knew about the real guy was his taste in music, so of course the DD guy, Jake, he had a good taste in music too. He ended up my best friend but then died. Mostly they're made up, though sometimes I DD a bit about/with a real person.


2)Mostly continuous. I've had one DD for the past few years, and bits of it are based off the DDs I did before I made this proper story with something of a history and I guess a plot. I also do other little things, imagining something good or bad, (eg winning lotto) or where I get a bit involved in a book series (the most recent one, and still the current one is the In Death series by JD Robb, if you're wondering. Great books.) and I have this other little storyline, basically, it's my dream future. One day I want to be self-sufficient (you know, the farming stuff) and so I DD about that. I've even designed my house (I love using the Sims (1) for that, actually) and the dream property and stuff, but I try to make it realistic.


3) Mostly no. Like, I normally lie in bed (or I'm sitting somewhere) where I do the main DDing, fully visualizing everything, and probably wouldn't notice if someone walked in or something. I struggle to DD standing up, I've noticed. A few times I have sat up in bed and rocked, and once (when we were moving, had lots of room in the house. I was really bored) I decided to try pacing, and until my big bro nearly tripped me, it worked well enough.

I also start smiling if I am in DD, and mouth out words far too often, (haha) and sometimes like, say, jerk a leg, or turn over if I do something similar in the DD. Once I was biking and DDing (bad mix, I know. So's scootering 70 km/h and DDing o_O ) and I ended up doing a bit with fighting, and in DD, I lunged forward in the fight, and on the bike I stood up and leaned forward a little bit and pedaled a little bit harder, for maybe 2 or 3 seconds, 'till I realized what I was doing.

Comment by Roobles on April 7, 2012 at 5:22am
Bilbo- wow im truly jealous of 10 hours walking and dd lol is there any more job openings lol?? Yeh if I don't walk to work I get really depressed that day as I don't have my daily fix of dd I also noticed im more likely to uncontrollobly slip into dd through day x
Comment by Teagan Heart on April 5, 2012 at 9:18pm

1. I DD about all 3-- celebrities, made up people, and myself with others I know (I guess that's 4 not 3). Celebrities come and go. They usually fade out (which is good). I make up people to make myself sometimes feel a little better. IDK-- it just comes natural.

2. sometimes I play and re-play the same DD. But  let's just say it's like little episodes and to be continued ones./

3. I pace as well and I also listen to music -- which I am trying so hard to stop. I also (pace yourselves, this is going to sound really weird) like to flip a piece of lanyard in my hand while DDing.  Hope that gives you some info, Meghan.  

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