have not generated any new input for a long time but I can to realize that my condition could have been a form of self-medication to help me deal with my sleep apea. In my case, I suffered from depression beginning from the third grades, that is also when I can remember the day dreaming. In my case day dreaming was about creating characters, stories and above all relationships that made me happy. Happy enough to create serration, I am sure this was a method of self coping that my body chose to keep me alive, and perhaps sane.
Then as I mature I developed sleep apea, even though I had not been diagnosed, I had terrible snoring and could never remember dreaming when I sleep. Whenever I actually had a job that included insurance I could afford, testing for sleep apea was not covered. In fact I did not get tested until my late fifties, which immediately got me a machine, I learned that I was choking and struggling so hard to breathe that my body could never slip in to sleep deep enough to dream. It was also the cause of chronic fatique and other unpleasant things. Again I thing a lot of the maladaptive dreaming was done to make up for this huge gap in the natural biorhythm of my body. I still do maladaptive dreaming but it is more something I wait to do, am I am still addicted to it, yes. But if it is something your body actually needs can it truly be called an addiction?
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