Hello everyone! I just go ahead and start this. I've had MD all my life and I'm sick of it. Sick of shutting myself up in a room all day pacing the floor and making up insane plots in my head while talking and raving on like a mad woman. So I'm putting a stop to it! Now, before it's too late! I'm quitting cold turkey! I decided that the best way to keep myself on track would be to blog so that I, myself, could see how far I've come (and if I could give or get a little help along the way that would be fantastic). As of now I've been clean for a little over 24 hours and it hasn't been to hard, though I've noticed I've been having mood swings. Like earlier today I was playing around in the garden with my parents and now I can't help but be annoyed by the least little thing. Hopefully that goes away soon. On a finale note I think if I can go a year without relapse I should be in the clear. So thanks for reading this if you do and wish me luck!
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