The Brain-dead-surface-dwellers, isolation, and experiencing.

I just don't want to SEE anyone. I don't want to make plans, it literally stresses me out. I don't want to think about whens and wheres and how longs, how fun. And seeing people doesnt even matter, as I basically think through my experiences instead of EXPERIENCING them.

I narrate my entire life.

you're suppose to live, not think, right?

I think that all the time, but then I get angry. While everyone else is living on the fake plastic surface of the earth together, they aren't even using their brains. They don't THINK about anything, just feel and want and take. and take. and take. we truly are animals. selfish with core instincts wiht old habits that are dying hard. Throw emotion and curiosity into that mixed? you're one fucked and confused animal...or human. Us day dreamers? We're just more consciously evolved, the only issue is the scarcity of us.

I'll try to put it simply: I feel that in any ones life there should be a balance of data and analysis. Data being the things that happen to you, analysis being your perception and conclusions of it all. Let's just say my data:analysis ratio is 1:10. There's analysis, i do it all day every freaking day. and my data? lounging around my house, creating an escape world, drowning out reality with music.

I find it very hard to have normal experiences, because my pre-thoughts cause them to be biased. I'll have hundreds of different scenarios to choose from when plummeting head first into a situation. Obviously not all the scenarios can occur, and maybe none of them will. My point is, when it has passed...i am left with all the rest of the scenarios in my head. Why didn't this one happen? Could I have done something to change this? What would things be like if that happened? but what about this, but what about that, but what about this.

On. and On. and On.
And on. And on. And
on. And on.

I'm a prisoner of my mind but I also completely and dominantly rule it. How does that make any sense?

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Comment by Jhonny Gilbert on August 19, 2011 at 12:18am
Agree with Delorean 100%. Gottu just do it... and no other solution.
Comment by Delorean Jones on August 18, 2011 at 2:05pm

Conscious being is an astronomically small portion of the whole brain. I remember someone presenting the mind as a triangle of will, passion and thought. It's this weird shifting thing where you can't really say one dominates the other. It does in some people but obviously then there's an imbalance. A passionless robot, a hot-headed fool, an inactive daydreamer... you could say the passionate people have it easy, never having to think, but they pay the price with repeated, painful impacts that the more thoughtful may have avoided (either by escaping in their mind or physically avoiding the situation).


To be honest, I'm in the same boat. I try to avoid complaining but I do really dislike my real life. I've messed up so many chances, wasted so much time, I didn't do what I wanted, or what I should have. My imagination and grand plans keep me happy though, and


I feel immense joy when I'm moving towards them. Practicing guitar, drawing, writing, sword fighting actual human interaction... it's like I feel my ideal life pulling me in and everything's going towards being in sync. Someone once told me if you argue with yourself, you will always lose. Rather, practice making a decision to do something and just do it.  I'm aware it's harder to say than it is to do (as i've said before, i'm kinda in the same boat) The art of just DOING is it's own ... thing. I'm really talking to myself more than to you hahaha


break out. You really can, and you really should and keep your narration lively with an active plot!

Comment by Skylar Grey on August 2, 2011 at 10:28pm
i gotta agree with all that youve said about people not using their brains and being fake. I see it all the time. Its easy for me to tell people emotions and what theyre really thinking and people seriously need to be more straight up about what their real thoughts are. I probably sound like some stuck up prick dont i? but yes, i love all my friends. and a year ago i would love nothing more than to go hang out at the mall or whatever. but now im becoming one of those people that constantly dread about upcoming social events. i start high school in less than a month and i feel im going to drown in all the craziness of it while still trying to make time to daydream. i just dont know what to think anymore..
Comment by Rezona on August 1, 2011 at 7:41am
I think that thinking and daydreaming is all fine and dandy but all of us need to live and do, know and love. Cause when it comes to the end of the day or our lives it's what you accomplish that matters. Beyonce has a very powerful song called "I was here" from her new album 4. Very thought provoking :)
Comment by Jhonny Gilbert on July 31, 2011 at 11:40pm
I am just wondering what if we have a 2 minute memory... i.e. we just dont remember what happened before 2 mins..  wouldnt it be great?

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