what happens when you inner world spills over into reality !!! multiple worlds and characters in time taking root in your daily thoughts until DD robs a bank.  Am I being invited into their world or worse still are they becoming my world. Reality ...when I fall into a ever fading time of it it seems unreal, I feel detached confused where have I been for the last hour day week. I journal my minds madness and have deleted and thrown away a many of journals as I read in disbelief and despair at the twisted thoughts and plots written on the pages that no one should ever read.  I feel as though my mind in tormenting me like awaking for a nightmare. I am aware of the thoughts plans and emotions written on the pages yet am in disbelief that I was so convinced that these ideas are good and true that this was who I  was and I was excited about such things. These people and worlds are real ... then...laughter and an addictive joy take captive off my body and mind and they out and on the loose again. Who am I ? who are these people ? I don't care I let them live for they are me. Homicidal madman Hollywood star, and the con waging war for presence in this world. Even writing now I feel there presence within laying just beneath my skin. How far will they go will the madman rob another bank, will the Hollywood star make finally make it to LA. I need a cigarette but wait I don't smoke. 

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Comment by The1andonlyAbber on April 29, 2015 at 8:42pm
Yeah...you should see a therapist. I'm not exactly sure what you're describing but it doesn't sound like MD.
Comment by jeromeanderson on April 16, 2015 at 3:03am

Thanks Yanne its been a blast

Comment by jeromeanderson on April 15, 2015 at 2:57am

when character come to life they usually exploded on to the scene.  can one hold on to a delusion even though they know its a delusion ... so I gave it some thought. At first I believed that if one can spot the delusion and yet still believe in the delusion that they are if fact not deluded but just desperate to believe in a world in which they can escape their reality. BUT now I see for if the facts are plain and one can see the folly of there beliefs yet still believe then this is a true sign the the deluded person no longer walks in the realm of reality. People I HAVE LEFT THIS WORLD>>>>>>>>>>

Comment by jeromeanderson on April 15, 2015 at 2:40am

;) o it happened ... why DD !   

Comment by jeromeanderson on April 14, 2015 at 3:48am

tried & convicted but what can you do....

Comment by jeromeanderson on April 12, 2015 at 9:48pm


Comment by jeromeanderson on April 12, 2015 at 9:44pm

I tend not to have such control over the situation the people and events tend to play out in real life and spill over in to reality ...  example ... Bank robbery ... currently diagnosed with Bipolar.  but wounder about the these seemingly uncontrollable situations and characters. Have yet to chat to anyone about Dissociative Disorder not sure if it fits or even if I believe in the condition.  I understand MD but these experience leave me feeling like I am living in a nightmare like my mind is deceiving me who am I ... I am all of them contradictions and all.



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