1. when you daydream, do you daydream about yourself and people you know in real life? or do you use characters that you made up, or are based off of celebrities or book/movie/tv show characters?
  2. do you have one continuous daydream that you keep adding on to, like a never ending movie in your head? or do you daydream about different scenarios (characters, setting, plot, etc) each time?
  3. do you make any motions when you daydream?

my answers:

  1. i use (mostly) characters that are based off of celebrities, but i change up their personalities. some (very few) of them are inspired by people that i know in real life, but none of my characters like that are exactly like how the real people are... their looks are different, they like to do different things, etc. there are some characters that i have made up completely.
  2. i have one daydream that i keep adding on to. in fact, before i know about MD, i called my daydreaming "the never ending movie in my head"! xD
  3. i pace. i also like to lie down while i daydream. i don't have to be pacing or lying down to daydream, i just prefer it. i listen to music while i daydream (but not when i'm lying down, because for some reason it keeps me from concentrating), and a lot of the time, i find myself mouthing the words to the song that i'm listening to. i also make some (but not all) of the motions that my characters make if there's nobody else around... like, if one of my character moves their arms, i'll move mine. it's weird.

i'm just curious, because it seems like everyone on here daydreams differently, and i want to see who daydreams the closest to how i do it.

i love this website so much. it's so great to know that i'm not the only one who does this. :3

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Comment by BilboBaggins on April 5, 2012 at 3:34pm

Roobles- I love walking and daydreaming. Just wanted to comment that I think it's awesome that you'll walk the whole hour and a half everyday. I used to walk to the fourty minutes to my work all the time, but unfortunately in Winter it's just impossible to do without freezing to death-haha. I have a new job over summer planting trees, which will basically be ten hours of walking! (the job is ALOT harder than just that--but the point is: ten hours to daydream :) )

Comment by Roobles on April 5, 2012 at 3:18pm
Hiya I am very similar to yourself, yeh I was surprised that dd was unique to be honest I kinda thought everyone had a ongoing dd till I saw this and realised we are a small but special bunch :-)

1. The maincharictor in my dd is my self but with better abilities but everyone and thing else is all imaganary and not based on anyone real life. Occasionaly i bring someone from reality into my dd but usually only for a short time.

2. I am like you it is a continuous dd I have has for over nearly 10 years and I have grown up with the charictors and they have grown up with me. When I get a dd block I find my self go to another dd so I usually have 2 dd that I switch between them but they are always continuations inspired by my real life day to day experiences or things u seen/heard.

3. When I am completely alone I have no actions I will lie down close my eyes or keep them open or will be doing housework and dd, when around people I notice I shake my leg up and down, but the biggest trigger for me is walking. I walk to work for 1 and a half hours and just dd away I love that morning walk.
Comment by BilboBaggins on April 5, 2012 at 2:31pm

Hey! My daydreaming method is almost the exact same as yours!

1. My characters are basically 100% made up. Occasionally I'll see a picture of someone and think, "Wow, they look similar to my character!" and save them for reference, but for the most part it's all original. Sometimes I"ll have the character of someone developed for a while, then suddenly inspiration hits and I realize what they look like-love that feeling.

2. I have one continuous daydream that I've had going for yeaars now. Obviously parts of it has changed, since my own interests change as I age, but for the most part it's been the same story.

3. I pace alot. When I'm busy doing other things (like dishes, or cleaning my room) I tend to talk outloud for the characters. If I'm daydreaming at school or something, I tend to just stare blankly into the distance--must look weird, oh well. I totally get what you mean about the moving arms thing, too! Like, if my character is in a fight or something i can't help it occasionally xD It's so awkward, but at least usually my bedroom door is closed. :P

Happy Daydreaming!

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