Having to work with people today, I am so tense, I just want to be left alone to daydream. I feel like I want to scream as loud as I can to release the stress. It's hard to sit still. I just hate this existance sometimes.
Comment by rainydaydreams on February 6, 2012 at 12:15pm
you sound very sensitive to your environment easily over stimulated, in these situations and I would know.
I think it is very much an introvert thing or at least for me, DDing as a way to work things out internaly and mentally recharge, basicly proccess life, without that I begin to unravell alone time is kindof like breathing, extroverts - those who mentally recharge by seeking out to others dont get it.
Comment by greyartist on February 6, 2012 at 10:18am
try to smile, try to think. Just get through it. Then go home and just get through the afternoon. Just waiting until night when I can lay down and DD myself to sleep, in the company of my companions. Just waiting to get through everything til I can get to what I really enjoy. But I never get there, there isn't anything I really enjoy anymore. The DDs just bring the reality that I can't live there. I don't feel I live anywhere, just exsist.
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