In 2009, before I even started this site, I agreed to live completely openly about my Maladaptive Daydreaming.  It was scary at first, but it's actually been very cathartic.  I've told friends, doctors, professors, and anyone else who would listen.  Almost everyone was completely fine with it.  They didn't all understand, but most of them were open and at least tried.  Some could relate immediately.

Recently one of my old classmates started a Facebook group just for people who graduated between '97 and '99.  I was included.  3 classmates friended me, and I told 2 of them.  Both were totally cool with it.  One even said she wished she could do it.  

Yesterday, someone posted something in the group asking how we've changed since high school.  Of course, I mentioned learning about Maladaptive Daydreaming.  As of this morning 13 classmates have "liked" my comment.

This morning I received a pleasant surprise.  One of my old classmates, who I got along well with, sent me a message that she was intrigued by my comment and researched Maladaptive Daydreaming.   She thanked me for broadening her knowledge.  

I know it can be scary to talk about MD.  I hid it for 29 years.  Trust me that living openly and confidently feels much better than hiding in shame.  I hope one day we'll all have the courage to live openly.  

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