Yesterday i was watching a documentary on how music effects the brain. It was called 'The Musical Brian'. There was a part in it that fascinated me because it reminded me of MDD. It ends up when you move to music that you like it creates a chemical in your brain that makes you happy. This is probably why lots of us daydream while listening to music and pacing because it creates this certain chemical in our brains that makes us happy.

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Comment by Wish Upon A Wish on January 4, 2012 at 1:10am

I heard that before. I think it might actually have been on OMG-Facts, but I'm not quite sure.

Also, for those that can DD when they are and aren't listening to music... I'm not quite sure how to explain this.

Basically, there was an experiment done, where a trainer rang a bell and then put meat powder on some dogs tongues, to make them salivate. The trainer kept doing this for a while, then one day, rang the bell but didn't put the meat powder on the dog's tongues. Their brain had associated the ringing of the bell with food.

So what I'm trying to say it that if we had serotonin/endorphins/dopamine or whatever happy chemical it was released while listening to music AND daydreaming, then eventually our brains will associate daydreaming with the good feeling, and so we become addicted, and have the chemicals released when DDing but not listening to music.

And now I can't remember the exact point I was trying to make, but I hope what I've spent time typing up actually makes sense to someone, otherwise it'll have been a complete waste of time haha 

Comment by Sunshine on January 4, 2012 at 12:21am

I am not sure if it is on youtube but everything seems to be on their so there is a chance.

Comment by Jenna on January 3, 2012 at 4:26pm

Hmm, that's interesting. That actual makes sense.

Comment by Sunshine on January 3, 2012 at 4:19pm

I am not sure if it is just music we like or any music at all that produces this reaction.

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