I've had it. I'm completely at my wits end with all the nonsense. Here's the deal. I have had it with all the people blaming MD for ruining their lives. Regardless of popular belief, MD is NOT uncontrollable and if we ever want to be taken seriously about it we have to be very careful of how 'normal' people understand and perceive it, because I personally don't want society to learn incorrect or blown out of proportion ideas and assumptions about it ,then have myself prescribed on the next "miracle drug that will cure it". I also believe it is ludicrous to want to get rid of or destroy something deep within myself that I don't yet understand.

I have had Md since I was a small child. Probably in or just out of the late stages of infancy. Before I could even talk. Before I had ever experienced tragedy or trauma. Before many of the experiences growing up so many blame their MD for starting. Maybe I was born with it? Maybe I was bored? I can't say why because I do not know. What I do know is watching old family videos of myself as a baby rocking back and forth staring one direction into space laughing crying making faces while my family sits by me thinking its typical baby behaviour. Is real. They still don't know. But watching myself then I know exactly what I was doing. I don't remember what it was about. I don't think the scenes inside my head where scripted. Probably just imagining myself doing fun things toddlers like doing. Either way I haven't met or spoken to anyone else with md that relates back that far.

20 years later I still do it. I do it every day. I've done it everyday often for hours. When the urge just hits it's hard to resist. I love my ' other life' so much. I think I'd give anything to be there. Even if it meant leaving this one. Which believe me I know is selfish seeing as how I've been SO blessed. Don't get me wrong it's far from perfect, but in my personal case it's not perfection I'm after. My "other life" is not even close to perfect. But it feels like it has purpose. I don't even know what I'm after. But I wake up everyday feeling unfulfilled. No matter how many goals I reach or excitement I find. I always come back to that feeling of being unfulfilled.

So back to the nitty-gritty of the problem. The addictive part. The way I see it is MD is like fast food. If I eat it all day everyday i'm going to get fat and it's eventually going to kill Me. Does that mean cheeseburgers are evil? No. Does that mean i should find every fast food joint in the world and destroy it at once? No. Should I blame the cheeseburgers for making me fat therefor possibly somewhat repulsive and destroying my love life? No. BECAUSE it's my fault I ate it and continue to eat even when I'm stuffed just because of how awesome it is. Same with MD. Just like the cheeseburger didn't fly from the food joint and down my throat all by itself, MD doesn't possess my body and MAKE me DD for hours. The secret is to know self control. Find a healthy balance in your life between reaching and working towards your real life. And taking a set amount of time for your DD. You'll find it's easier when you know you will get your time to do it.

Most importantly don't try to destroy something you don't understand.See I personally have accepted that I love DD'ing and my "other life" but I also care for my real life. (Ahem.. ""real"" as in the one I perceive with all 5 senses) -go think about that for a bit. What is real anyways? Lol. Are cheeseburgars real? Either way in controlled moderation they're not harmful and quiet enjoyable with little to no loss or consequence. Just like MD :) and we understand and can explain cheeseburgars. With MD we basically don't have a clue. Just some theory's and somewhat basic comprehension of a situation. But same with life itself. Either way to gain true knowledge we must keep and open mind and not just through some half ass conclusion together with some cheap prescriptions and call it a day.

Rant over. Appreciate you taking the time to read. Please feel free to let me know your thoughts

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Comment by The1andonlyAbber on March 30, 2014 at 8:08pm
I can resist the urge to daydream to some extent. I can put off daydreaming, but not for more than a day. I actually have "withdrawal symptoms" if I go for more than a day without daydreaming-- I literally start to feel like I have the flu.
Comment by The1andonlyAbber on March 30, 2014 at 6:31pm
I can resist the urge to daydream, but I'm one of those people who experiences "withdrawal symptoms", meaning I literally feel sick if I try to do it for more than a day. I actually feel almost like I have the flu. But I can put off daydreaming until it's an appropriate time to daydream, and I've never been totally zoned out for days (but then again, that depends on what you mean by "zoned out"; some parts of my daydreams are very connected to the real world--sometimes I'll imagine myself in my same physical location, except talking to a daydream character (/imaginary friend?)).
Comment by Robin on March 29, 2014 at 9:01am

I agree with the post and with The1andonlyAbber's comment. It's not fair that, out of all the addictions (mental disorders???)  to have, we've got the one that no one understands, and few people even know exists. No one was there to look at our behavior at such a young age and tell us what we were doing and how that would hurt us in the future. BUT it doesn't mean that when we realize what MD is, we can just give up and stop trying to improve ourselves. Just like any addiction, we do have the power to stop. It just takes a ridiculous amount of self discipline, willpower, and perseverance.

Comment by Waq on March 29, 2014 at 2:32am

I understand that like cheese burgers excessive day dreaming is not good for me.

Eating disorders are a problem, people address them in different ways, some by filling their fridge with healthy options-so on and so forth. 

The point is its not that easy to keep the dreams out. you can't be in public all of the time etc etc. me, i cant bear company beyond a very limited time, and now that i realized what my problem is, i realize its not me being unsocial, its me being wanting to be alone and go on the MD highway.

i think there is a need to look at MD as a problem and of course we are not here to absolve ourselves and put the blame on the condition we have. 

the whole idea of being here is to find solution to our problem.

Comment by Vendetta_Crazzed on March 28, 2014 at 1:06pm

i believe the impulse is always there. rather or not to act on it is entirely up to the person

Comment by Alta Morden on March 28, 2014 at 11:40am

Your weight is not the issue (to me) but rather whether others can control their MDs. 

Comment by Vendetta_Crazzed on March 28, 2014 at 11:12am

@alta morden lol nah im actually 200 lbs the cheesburgars have won so far. my md can very to tuneing out for a whole day to just an hour or two. but like i said rather its to md or go to the fridge i let myself do it

Comment by Alta Morden on March 28, 2014 at 10:05am

To a point I agree, but not completely.  People who conscientiously diet and stay slim can be very judgmental towards people who have a much harder time controlling their impulses.  And I think this is happening here as well.  You clearly have a reasonable amount of control and take the stand that because it is that way for you, then it must be that way for everyone.  That part is not correct.  This isn't an on/off switch, it is a spectrum of intensity and ability to control it.

Comment by The1andonlyAbber on March 27, 2014 at 9:07pm
I kind of agree. This is true in most cases, but some people don't even know that MD is a bad thing until they get to the point where they can't stop daydreaming at all, even for a moment.

I love my other life, too. It's filled with things I can never achieve in real life. And by things I can never achieve in real life I don't mean being a famous singer or something. I mean ruling an empire in another galaxy, time traveling on a regular basis, and taking care of younger siblings (I'm an only child and my mom says she isn't ever going to adopt a kid). Daydreaming is the only way I will ever get to do those things. My daydream life isn't perfect, either, but, like yours, it has a purpose.

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