md literally ruined my life. i started md when i was 11 yrs old.but it progressively increased as the years went by.. when i reached 12th grade i couldnt study a thing.when i was to study i would daydream. i remeber lying on my bed shaking up with laughter and talkin out loud to my characters in my daydream.. i wasted so many hours this way.hours i cannot take back.soon my grades started slipping..i used to be one of he top students in my class.all my teachers asked "whats happening to you?you were such a good tudent".my mom was really worried.but how could i tell them about my md?they would NEVER understand,and even if i told them whats the use? there is no cure!! because of my md i couldnt get into a good college .

im still battling wit it,its really difficult to  concentrate and focus on my learning..sometimes i ask god why he punishes me this way,but he  rarely replies... now i have started to question the existence of god?how many times have i languished in prayer before him but still he doesnt listen.. i know that there is no hope,no escape.. so i must bear my pain..

thank you for reading this :)

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Comment by mary g on January 17, 2014 at 8:06pm

no way! i saw ur pics and i think u r really pretty!

Comment by Mишка (Miska) on January 12, 2014 at 4:47pm
Um... I know I'm pretty ugly, but my name in English means Dolly/teddy bear Lolz I was just trying to make this negative a positive by using a religious term and belief 'free will' that would be relatable. Besides, it is even more relatable in atheism anyways given atheists believe they are always free with no consequences of theism(godly intervention). I don't believe I was asking anyone of their religion but rather aiding a hurting soul. I don't understand what you mean by,"I'm an atheist and I also don't believe in free will." Atheism is being godless and having free will from any god completely to the point of not identifying one. Whatever religion you are, I do not mind but I will aid my fellows in what way I know how. Sorry
Comment by Mишка (Miska) on January 3, 2014 at 11:25pm
Actually I found out that I have Dermatillomania which is linked to OCD. My grandmother has OCD so I don't believe I have it (because I didn't become a hoarder like her) but in one of my older posts I asked the same question as to whether OCD and other linked disorders may have a connection with MD. I do not believe MD is a symptom of OCD as more people would have it, but I think they may be linked.

Please raise awareness of Dermatillomania a psychological disorder that is fairly rare, who knows, maybe more people have it than others. Maybe more people on this site may have it. Let's break the borders on this lonely and itchy disorder and help raise awareness!^ - ^
Comment by mary g on January 3, 2014 at 9:29pm

i think my md is a symptom of ocd..


Comment by mary g on December 31, 2013 at 6:09am

awww...thats sooooo sweet of you miska..really this year has been bad for me and what youve said is the sweetest thing ive heard in a long time..

illl tell you one thing though,from now onwards ill try to control my will be tough but like you said its all about free will and the only one who can change things is yourself..thank you dear!!!

Comment by Mишка (Miska) on December 28, 2013 at 8:57pm
Well I like to think of things like this: god can do anything he wishes if he wanted to but he sticks to the laws of the universe. Just like us being the gods of our dreams. Our "little people" don't know we exist and we don't know if he does but it's the thought that counts. The difference is we as humans have free will. I face the same problem as you... And it sucks but we must have the power to keep going. And we must learn to control ourselves(even though it feels like hell not dreaming). The only one who can change things is ourselves... And that sucks but that's the thing about free will. We have to make the decisions and face the problems and consequences... And that's the way I gotta look at things, because If I didn't I wouldn't be living anymore... But life is better than nothing.^ - ^ and if god won't say it to you then I will, I love you. And that is that. And you can't stop me!^ - ^

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