Hello all. I'm Sandra. I'm 28, single, and I have a young daughter. Over my life I have battled different addictions, when I think I have pinpointed my problem, out seems like it is just an overlying issue of something else. I keep peeling back layers. I recently deserted seeing a counselor for depression/ sex addiction. I don't lose my virginity until I was 21, I made up for a lot of lost time the first couple of years but 'normal people' duo way more than I did. The biggest part of my sex addiction is controlling, pervasive sexual thoughts and fantasies. I very easily trail off in a sexual fantasy would and I can't fully concentrate on anything. But I don't only have sexual fantasies. I have had what I thought to be an extremely overactive imagination for as long as I can remember. I built an imaginary world for myself and named it at about 6 years old. Very elaborate. I would suit at school, waiting for it to let out do I could go home and go there. I feel very isolated because of my issues and need to share with someone that understands

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Comment by Queen Dopamine on January 6, 2014 at 8:05am

I am similar to you in that it seems I've always had an "addiction" of some sort. Though my ability/inability to daydream at different points changes (for instance, when I'm stressed but can't daydream as a means of coping because I have too many deadlines), I will always find another habit or compulsion, like overeating. I emotionally overeat when I'm stressed, and I have to be watching or reading something, otherwise it's not enjoyable. I had a similar story regarding sexual activity and my near obsession with it. But people just think you're a slut, so you can't explain to any real, potential partner that it's like a compulsion, that you felt like you couldn't help it. 

So I definitely understand where you're coming from! Compared to overeating and casual sex, I am relieved when I'm only obsessed with daydreaming. I mean, there's nothing wrong with doing those things, but when my daydreaming gets out of control, I prefer that to eating a whole bag of chips in one sitting. Of course, daydreaming is always around. I rarely go more than 4 or 5 days without doing it AT ALL, but here lately, I've been doing it a bit more than usual. 

It's so nice to hear other people's stories because I think it makes me feel more normal.

Comment by Sandra on January 5, 2014 at 9:24pm
Sorry for the typos, my phone autocorrects when I don't want it to

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