Im new here, as of today. I am also a member of the Yahoo! MD group, but have recently become quite frustrated with it. It annoys me that whilst everyone on the group is happy to talk openly about their MD experience, nobody wants to discuss making the "disorder" more public. I honestly believe that its the only way us lot can be helped, for MD to be thrust into the view of the medical profession. I guess I just personally feel at a dead end. There is no escape from my MD addiction and it upsets me that aside from the Wild Minds Network and Cynthia Schupak's study, nothing is being done :(

So, joining this group is my next attempt at getting some discussion going on the subject :)

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Comment by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on October 12, 2010 at 1:39pm
Well, not everyone needs treatment. Some people can manage it on their own, and power to them. Some of us really need help, though. My MD has gotten so bad at times that it completely destroyed my life and self-worth. I thought it would kill me, many times, and no one understood. Going to the doctor & being told it's just depression was so frustrating. I felt like no one was listening. Anyway, I want to educate the medical community, so when someone in dire straits needs help, they can get it. I want us to figure out how to manage it & what helps, so we can help other people. No one has to do drugs. I want to make known all possible treatments, so people can try them & figure out what works for them. Drugs have never worked for me either, except to get to sleep..........but if they help someone else, then they have a right to try that. I want people to do whatever works for them. Just because pharmaceutical companies can be greedy doesn't mean we all have to follow them. We don't all have to become pill-poppers. I've spent many nights sobbing alone begging the universe for some sort of help & getting nothing. We've had people come to this site in full crisis asking for help, too, and it breaks my heart. I want doctors to understand this, so when someone comes into their office sobbing they'll know how to respond. Instead of dismissing them, hopefully they'll understand the condition & know some of the tricks that have worked for us. We've got a great list going under "What helps." I think we should keep working on it, for others who are having trouble.
Comment by Tila on October 12, 2010 at 1:31pm
In a strange way Im glad most psychiatrists don't know what MD is.

If the pharmaceutical industry ever came out with a medication that claimed to treat "symptoms" of maladaptive daydreaming, I would not buy it. It is about your attitude and about what motivates you to improve your life
....drugs don't really work. Thats all I'm saying. ;)
Comment by Rosalyn on October 4, 2010 at 8:52am
Your right, at the moment there is no medical help so we have to learn to control our MD ourselves. Its good that here we have the support and help needed :)
Comment by Tila on October 3, 2010 at 4:14am
Hey Rosalyn!
Yeah, funny how there's no context in which to talk about MD in our society. None at all....
Joining Wild Minds has helped me not only stop feeling ashamed and unable to talk about this problem, but has ALSO helped me to start thinking about how/why I daydream, and how I can control these insane impulses and triggers that happen daily.

We are people with immense intellectual and creative potential.....yet we are hindered by our own amazing mental resources....
Unless we can learn how to tame our own heads, we are lost.

"A lot of people want a shortcut. I find the best shortcut is the long way, which is basically two words: work hard." -Randy Pausch
(this one kind of hurts, but I like it!)
Comment by Rosalyn on October 1, 2010 at 3:11pm
Haha its good to know :) Its a tough subject when its virtually unknown to the world. Its crazy that something that effects so many people is so for from public recognition, and ashame from us sufferers now. I just hope that future sufferers will be able to get help earlier on if us now can make it more known :)
Comment by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on October 1, 2010 at 2:40pm
You've come to the right place. That very thing has become my personal mission. I want this to get out there, so people will know they're not alone & those who need help can get it. I'm doing better myself, but I do not want people to go through the same crises I went through. I will NOT give up until this is known & we feel better about ourselves. Feel free to message me any time. I'm not always on the site, but I check my email frequently. I'm never too far away. Muahahahahaha. :D

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