Has any of your DD characters ever been of a real person?

 I used to DD about a girl who I admired and it made me become obsessed with her. Has this happened to anyone else?

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Comment by Rachel on December 30, 2012 at 6:10pm

Yes. Usually the characters that are real are always temporary, though. Right now, a kid from my school who I suspect has MD is sometimes in my daydreams a bit. Sometimes my real life family is in there too for a while.

Comment by Hana Lucy on December 18, 2012 at 7:31am

I know what you mean about the jealousy! Even though I'm aware my characters are different from the real 'article'. I still feel slightly jealous if I find out they are in a relationship, even if I had no intentions of really being in a relationship with them, I can't help it sometimes :\

Comment by ashlee on December 16, 2012 at 4:47pm

yes ugh one of my characters looks is based off a boy that i firsts aw on youtube and i have him on facebook and its really weird looking at his pictures cause its like...my character. i was SO upset when he had a girlfriend because i was so jealous and i wanted him because i felt like he was my character but hes not. he changed his hair now tho and it looks baf  so i can deal with it LOL

Comment by Hana Lucy on December 15, 2012 at 3:41pm

All of my 'characters' are real people, some who I know, most who I don't - usually famous people. However personalities of the characters are changed by me, and will not represent the person in real life. Is it usual to completely make up your on characters? How many people use 'images' of people they've already seen in real life?

Comment by taffle on December 15, 2012 at 7:36am

Yes, I used to daydream about intelligent classmates whom I worshiped and became obsessed for some time. I got over all of them.

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