I went grocery shopping after work on Friday, and an MD storyline kicked in.  When I interact with my imaginary friends, I move my mouth like I'm talking with them, but no sound comes out.  So as I was moving my cart around the store, I couldn't stop myself -- I was gesturing and moving my mouth, interacting with my characters.

Fortunately, at first, no one noticed.  People in public don't really pay attention to what's going on around them anymore.  They are all talking on their cell phones or texting.  So I thought I would get through the situation scot-free.

Then I got to the checkout counter, where I had to interact with the cashier lady and the assistant bagging my groceries.  But I couldn't get the imaginary characters to leave me alone.  I must have looked insane.  The bagger said, "Is plastic OK?" and I meant to say "that's fine," but I caught his question late because one of my characters was talking to me, so I blurted out, "Fine!  I'm fine."  It went on like that.  One of the real-life people would ask me a question, and I'd half-hear it through my imaginary world haze, and I'd blurt out a strange answer.  I finally got my groceries and got out of there.

As I drove away, I was so embarrassed.  I can't imagine what they thought of me.  The one thing I keep reminding myself was that I didn't hurt anyone, I am the customer, and they are happy to have my business.  I could walk in there next time wearing a clown wig on my head and Kleenex boxes on my feet, and they would still be happy to have my business.  And at the rate my MD is progressing, I wouldn't be surprised if that did eventually happen.

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Comment by taffle on September 12, 2012 at 2:43pm

I actually tried to use MD to smile more and look more 'friendly' in public, but it actually backfired and made me look like a weirdo. When I'm in public, I used to picture a character from my daydream that I really like and it makes me smile and feel lighter and happier. But I notice that people thought something was odd with me because sometimes I would be smiling and staring into space. Now, I try to keep MD away from the public as much as possible.

Comment by Poopsie Holbrook on September 9, 2012 at 7:35pm

I rarely shop alone so that helps.

Comment by greyartist on September 9, 2012 at 2:11pm

I have done almost the same thing. You come to, and everyone is looking at you, waiting for you to answer.

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