Hi fellow MDers,

My name is Jennifer, and I am 16 years old. I am a Junior in high school this year, and I just got my Learner's Permit about 2 months ago and passed driving school shortly after receiving the permit. I have to do this thing where the driving teachers have to take me out driving three times, 2 hours each. (3 times total) before I'm eligible to get my license. And, today, I was out driving for my second time with a new teacher, and I could NOT stop zoning out. My gosh! It was awful. He would start talking to me, either to give me instructions on where to go, or what to do, or just to start friendly conversation. And, every time he would, I found myself missing bits and pieces of what he was saying until I snapped myself out of it and began listening again. It just scares me, because, I am eligible to get my license in March, and I don't want to pass the driving test, get my license, and then zone out or begin daydreaming while driving and crash.

Am I alone? I sure hope I am not! Is there anyone else with MD on here who has this problem? What do you do to handle it?

Thank you in advance! x

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Comment by Stormy on September 9, 2013 at 6:28pm

I am guilty of doing this while driving. And it's really inexcusable because I drive with two little ones in the back seat. :(

I guess because where I drive it's under 30 mph speed limits (I live on a military base) so I guess I feel like I can get away with it as I'm never going fast and there isn't that much traffic to get in accidents with BUT STILL no excuse.

I go through phases where the MDD is very active and then it tapers off a bit. So, driving with DD isn't a regular thing. But I'm in a very hardcore active phase right now and I've actually been avoiding driving anywhere as much as possible. Not only for safety reasons but because I don't really want to leave the house. The social anxiety and the MDD go hand in hand!

Comment by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on August 29, 2013 at 5:07am

Actually, I grew up in a small town where I needed to drive, and it sucked not being able to.  Now, I live in a big city that has buses and trains, so it's easy to get around.  I live in a neighborhood where I can walk everywhere.  Anyway, just be careful.  I don't want you to get hurt.  

Comment by Jennifer on August 29, 2013 at 4:30am
Thank you all very much for your comments, everyone! Ms. Cordeilla, I had no idea that your daydreaming was that bad! You must live in a small town where it's easy to get around; you have a job, and I assume it is frustrating trying to catch a ride everyday. So sorry. :(
Wish Upon A Wish, thank you! That's a good way to think of it. I will definitely try and stay farther back from the car behind me. I really need to stay focused. Absolutely going to take your advice.
Thanks, friends! I appreciate it all. :)
Comment by Wish Upon A Wish on August 29, 2013 at 2:47am

I do alright with it, though it's not especially safe. Personally, I'm much more focussed with someone else in the car or with a podcast or audiobook playing. Music's not really a problem for me, but I know for others it is.

Also, I would highly recommend being more than two or four seconds behind the guy in front of you (or whatever the dry/wet conditions rule is where you are) because that time is assuming you're paying attention. If you're worried you might not pay enough attention, stay further back.

And, like Cordellia said, still try to avoid DDing in the car.

Comment by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on August 28, 2013 at 7:28pm

I would DEFINITELY try and nip this in the bud.  I know that many people do it and don't get into accidents, but that doesn't mean it's not dangerous.  Many people drink and drive and don't get into accidents, but that doesn't make it safe.  I know it's hard, but please do anything you can to try and focus on the road.  My daydreaming is so bad that I couldn't even get my license.  

Comment by Rafael Hernandez on August 28, 2013 at 3:06pm
I daydream while driving, but can process the two tasks without problems.

You probably are a little nervous too, so dont worry, it will be fine.

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