So, I was staying at my Nan's last weekend and I kept daydreaming. It was really anti-social of me, my little brother had to go play on his own in the garden and I kept zoning out when my Nan tried talking to me. She kept asking me stuff like "What are you grinning at?", like you know when you are sitting there daydreaming and your face displays all your different emotions... so embarrassing. Then she kept commenting on how I act weird and all of that. Awkward family moments. I mean what am I meant to tell anyone, " I have this daydreaming disorder so I zone out all the time, but this disorder has only recently been discovered so no-one really knows if its real or how to tell you have got it..." I would get shipped off to the loony bin in an instant. Plus, my Mum would probably think I was attention seeking seeing as my little brother has autism and my other little brother has dyspraxia and dyslexia. Seriously though, when I think about it the amount of potentially traumatising things I have gone through its not a surprise I turned out a little weird lol :-( xx

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