Sorry, I'm annoyed.


This might be slightly contradictory, because, my god, I don't suffer from MD as much as others here do.


So please please don't take this post into consideration if you suffer from MD really badly.


But I've noticed that from this forum that a lot of people here take the attitude that they simply can't function day to day with MD. They stay in, have no social life and basically have a dormant life.


Why? Is it really because of your MD or are you choosing to live in MD bliss instead of soldiering on in the outside world regardless?


This sounds so hard. I DD everyday. For hours. But let's face it, I know it isn't real. I know doctors won't help me. But what do I do? Allow this to take up my life, stay in and then when I'm old realise I've lived indoors and spent my life in my head? That one moment of realisation would kill me.

I don't know. I go to work and go on a night out once a week. God, I don't enjoy it. I daydream the whole time. But I'm alive. I won't use this as an excuse for not living my life.


I guess all I'm saying is that I'm sick of feeling that I'm not suffering as much as others here because it isn't as dibilitating.


IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE. Make small changes at a time. But keep going outwards.

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Comment by Rachel S on September 28, 2011 at 10:20pm

Well, no one has said you've let yourself go. At all. I don't think MD is a choice.


But from reading posts, many people, in my opinion, seem to live a quiet life (Not all. Many are married, have kids etc.) But let's face it, we'd ALL like to have a more active life. I think. MD compromises that.


I do think I'm in a minority though, or at least, lower end of the spectrum. I have so much sympathy for those on the higher end. Those who spend every minute with MD. I see myself ending up that way sometimes. But right now, I'd like to acknowledge that I have it as much as everyone, but that it doesn't own me. Somehow, I have a social life. I have a job. And no one would suspect a think. I see that as almost, almost conquering it.

Comment by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on September 28, 2011 at 10:14pm
I would not say that most people on here have it severely.  I don't know how many do.  This condition exists on a spectrum.  If you feel like you're in the minority, I think you're wrong.
Comment by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on September 28, 2011 at 10:12pm
For me it was out of control by the time I was a little kid.  It's hard to say I've let myself go when I've been out of control since before I could've had any self control.
Comment by Rachel S on September 28, 2011 at 10:06pm
I did say "please please don't take this post into consideration if you suffer from MD really badly." I think that if you suffer badly then it's different to suffering mildly. Same condition, different levels. I did say that at the start though.
Comment by roxanne on September 28, 2011 at 8:09pm
It's really clear that there is a biological basis for this disorder, and some seem to have a psychological layer as well.  Each of us is affected to a different degree.  My husband is diabetic, but not insulin dependant; a friend of ours is insulin-dependant diabetic.  It is the same disease, but they face different issues.  It is very risky to assume that everyone faces the same hurdles. 
Comment by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on September 28, 2011 at 7:47pm
You don't understand to have it to the point where it takes over your life.  Be grateful that it doesn't, but don't put down others who are struggling.  You don't understand.

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