Part of my healing as been trying to accept myself and avoiding comparing myself to what is "normal". However, it still gets me down how completely isolated I am sometimes. Yesterday I went and got my hair cut by this nice girl. She was so bubbly and wouldn't quit trying to make small talk, which I'm bad at, hate, uninterested in, and don't find very useful. Whenever people do that I just feel so uncomfortable. I get winded trying to talk, and it's physically uncomfortable for me. Plus I really don't care to explain my life, how it's going, and the fact that I really don't know where it's going to a complete stranger. That's not something I find relaxing while I'm trying to get my hair done. Then she acted kind of sad when I told her I don't go out. I hate when people do that, act sad about my life. It makes me feel sad, like on the outside my life looks inferior. Every time someone does that it makes me feel completely worthless as a human being. Is every single person on this planet social? Does everyone enjoy really petty conversation? Does everyone REALLY have "friends"? I can't be the only one who spends most of my life alone. It's not that I don't want friends. I just hate all the little petty steps you have to do to get there. I really don't have any interest in being grilled about my life by strangers. I don't have any interest in getting into bland conversations. Most conversations don't interest me. A huge part, if not all of it, is because of my MD. It just feels like I've spent so much of my life in a complete daze that I'm not capable of engaging in anything. So, what happens? Am I really a worthless human being if it's just me and my cats? I'll probably never marry, so is it wrong to eventually have a kid and raise them in a small studio alone? There have to be worse people out there than me. I can't be the only one who's completely alone. Why do people have pity? It's the most demeaning thing on the planet. It's amazing how one sad look can completely tear down your self esteem and make you feel like your life is just nothing. I went home and did nothing all day. I've spent 5h out of my pajamas today and mostly just goofed off online in between a little bit of reading and tv. My life will probably never be very exciting. So.............what?
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