Although I really hate to accept this I realize that maybe there is no cure for this. Maybe there will never be a cure for this at all. Plus I don't think this problem is psychological, I think it's neurological. Maybe our brains are forced to have a different way of working because of a neurological problem. I don't know if a neurological problem can be fixed but I've given up hope for a cure, I'm pretty sure I'll live the rest of my life with this. Oh well.

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Comment by Zoë Verdancii on November 29, 2014 at 1:30pm

In my case, it wasn't neurological. Definitely a 'learned' behavior...or a coping mechanism. And you don't have to live your whole life like this. No one has to, nor should they. You CAN overcome this, it just takes time and understanding. Learning to live WITHOUT it. Challenge yourself: Go a day without daydreaming? If you make it, go another day. Then another. Keep pushing yourself. Every day out of the dream, is one in the present!

Comment by Agent53 on November 24, 2014 at 12:03pm

I dont think its correct,i used to be daydream a lot,now i can control it with little effort and my DDs are not as intense as they used to be.

Try going to a Psychologist if u can.

The report in which this disorder was called as MDD,says that patient were given medicine and that helped them control their disorder.

Dont be disappointed there is a lot of hope.

Comment by ume lashun on November 24, 2014 at 9:53am
Read my lastest blog. It is possible to overcome. Remember, MD is a learned habit of mental activity to escape our problems. Daydreaming serves as a fantasy for us. A world filled with possibilities that we can create. We tend to feel out of control in the real world so we go within the depths of our minds to create a new world. It is only when MD gets in the way of achieving our goals and progress that it becomes a horrible monster. Don't give up. You are in control of your own mind. It's very hard to break a habit but it is possible . I would really hate for you to just accept it and let it consume you. It may feel like a mental cancer, but you can always stop it. There is nothing wrong with seeking help or talking to friends. Do what ever you have to do to get better.

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