Hello everyone! My name is Katie, but I go by Kat.

I couldn't tell you when I started daydreaming maladaptively, and honestly I don't think it matters considering most people on here either live with maladaptive daydreaming (MD).

I'm also a college student pursuing a bachelor's of science in psychology at the moment. I actually was able to write an English 202A equivalent of a literature review on the topic of maladaptive daydreaming last semester. I don't know if anyone would find that interesting or not, but it provides a bit of an overview of what MD is (though I will note I couldn't include every detail from each article due to time and the expected page length of the paper.) ((Fun note I can actually put on here: Nothing says peak irony like daydreaming maladaptively while you're supposed to be writing a paper on maladaptive daydreaming.))

I'm curious about whether there are applications of maladaptive daydreaming in the world. Personally, I think it would be interesting to see how personal motifs experienced in MD could be addressed either in therapy or independently, and the impact that might have on an individual's mental health

Okay, other random introduction-like stuff about me.

- I put some words in bold because I struggle with reading large chunks of text (which is kind of ironic) and I've seen others do it in a way that helps. This is my first time trying it, so I'm hoping to improve it's efficiency over time.

- I'm twenty years old (based on the time this comment is posted)

- I love creative writing, specifically within the genres of Science Fiction and Fantasy

- I began writing fanfiction when I was about twelve or thirteen. It was Star Wars Rebels fanfiction and, say it with me now, we do not reread the old fanfiction. It's up to acknowledge growth as a writer and to occasionally laugh at poor decisions made by seventh-grade me. (I'm joking and you can do whatever you want, but it is really bad.)

- I love space

- I tend to focus very intently on one piece of fictional media and one character within that media over a frustrating amount of time. I could literally make a timeline of things this has happened with, and I'm curious about ways this might happen with others as well as the impact it has on their daydreams. (Also if there are similarities between the media-specific "one character" that's latched onto.)

- I once almost blinded myself trying to make marshmallows in the microwave. I couldn't cry for a week, and my cooking skills haven't improved in the slightest. I regularly burn the noodles every time I make mac 'n cheese (I don't think they're undercooked because cooking them longer made it   w  o  r  s  e.)

- Chances are I'm procrastinating with/on something at any given moment. That includes posting this.

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Comment by Kiruba Victor on July 19, 2021 at 10:32pm

Wow, that was quite the introduction, Kat. I'm Kiruba, 22 year old from India. I've been MDing for almost a decade now, and the only benefit I get is the sense of calm it gives me. I just finished my Bachelor's degree in Communications engineering, but had a late realization that it wasn't what I was interested in.

I feel MD is a coping mechanism for either insecurities or excess creativity, and I'm assuming it's the latter for you. It's the former for me though.

As of now, my distraction from MDing and the main activity I sort of identify myself with is gaming.

Last but not least, good to meet you, Kat.

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