Dev Thorne's Blog (5)

Stuff or something

Still neglecting this site.


I told my best friend about MDD.

We were both quite drunk. And we haven't mentioned it sense. I don't remember what her reaction was and I don't think she remembers me telling her. In a way I'm glad. I dunno if I'm really ready for her to know yet. 

I can't get out of my head. It's been non stop dd lately. I'm not complaining but I don't understand the increase of daydreaming. I dunno what has caused it. 

Added by Dev Thorne on August 2, 2012 at 8:30pm — 2 Comments

It's Been A While

I've been super busy and haven't had much time to get on here much to my dismay. I was also out of the country for about 2 weeks and only got back a few days ago. 

I'm doing well though. For the most part. Things seem to be looking up and I'm happy. 

However, I've been living in a pretty much constant day dream like state. 

I'm living parallel lives. It isn't really harming anything though. I'm a lot more distracted but that's pretty normal. 

I dunno though. It's…


Added by Dev Thorne on July 21, 2012 at 11:25am — No Comments


Lately I've been dd a lot. And I do this thing where I push everyone in real life away. And I've done so to my best friend and I just don't even know what to say to her anymore. It's like something happened and I don't know her anymore.

Nothing changed. 

But I can't feel our friendship.

This always happens. Between myself and everyone I know. I know it's because I retreat into my head and then reality just doesn't compare. But I'm at a loss. 

A loss of words and…


Added by Dev Thorne on June 15, 2012 at 10:27pm — 1 Comment

Long Post!

Hey everyone! 

Thought I'd make another blog post that goes into more detail about myself and my MD.

So here we go (:

I've been day dreaming for as long as I can remember. Most of my childhood memories are actually pretend memories. Incredibly real to me but not to anyone else because they all happened in my head. 

Along with the day dreaming I'm a pacer. 

I must have done it all the time without really realizing that it was "weird"



Added by Dev Thorne on June 12, 2012 at 7:18pm — 2 Comments

Hello Hello Hello!

I just joined this site and just discovered "maladaptive daydreaming"

For the longest time (ok I'm only 16 but still) I thought I was alone, a freak. 

I'd never heard of anyone else spending hours pacing back and forth while weaving intricate daydreams and alternate realities, personas, and friends. 

The fact that I'm not the only person who does this made me burst into tears. 

I just want people who understand to talk to. 

I want to not keep it as a…


Added by Dev Thorne on June 11, 2012 at 9:20pm — 5 Comments

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