I just joined this site and just discovered "maladaptive daydreaming"

For the longest time (ok I'm only 16 but still) I thought I was alone, a freak. 

I'd never heard of anyone else spending hours pacing back and forth while weaving intricate daydreams and alternate realities, personas, and friends. 

The fact that I'm not the only person who does this made me burst into tears. 

I just want people who understand to talk to. 

I want to not keep it as a shameful weird secret but as something I can share and talk about. 

I don't have much else to say right now so I'll wrap this up! 



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Comment by johntober on June 13, 2012 at 7:20pm

Most people won't understand but just be true to yourself and your dreaming and keep moving forward!  Best to you!!


Comment by LostSoul99 on June 13, 2012 at 5:39pm

Hey, I'm quite new on here too. I found out recently that I had this. You can talk to me any time you want. The people are great so far. Glad you joined. 

Comment by Dusty on June 12, 2012 at 5:15pm

Welcome Dev! Thanks for sharing your experience, I have done the pacing thing for as long as I remember having been able to walk, or even crawl, and also thought I must be the only person in the world to do this crazy pathetic thing! And yes, all of us here are very supportive and I'm sure many of share very similar experiences as yours ;3.

Comment by otakugirl on June 12, 2012 at 4:55pm
Hi and welcome! I am 17 and thought I was the only one who did this and felt the same way. If you ever need someone to chat with I am here! :)
Comment by Jennifer on June 12, 2012 at 11:58am

Hey there!

Welcome to Wild Minds, and welcome to the world of Maladaptive Daydreaming. :P Everyone here has really helped me, and a lot of other people have said the same. Everyone on this site is extremely cool! They're so kind and helpful. We really all try to take care of each other. :) That's kind of cool, haha. You said you're only 16? I'm 15. :P That's cool; we aren't too far apart in age. Don't even worry about having a disorder like MD. I've spent a pretty good amount of time shedding tears over the fact that I have something like this, too. :/ But you know what? It's kind of cool having such an interesting disorder. At least we don't have Schizophrenia, or something else too serious, you know? Our disorder is...Creative. :P

If you need anything, we're all always here! Just message any one of us or post a blog. :)) We'd be more than happy to help a rookie. xD

-Jennifer Xx

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