Katie Reed's Blog (2)

What do none MDD people think about?

These so-called regular people, the ones who do not daydream so much. What do they think about all day. I can't imagine. I've only ever had my daydreams. They have always been there 

It is difficult to imagine processing a life event (big or small) without projecting it to a made up character, weaving it into the rich tapestry of their made-up lives.

It's not all them, I can quieten them if I really need to. Sometimes it's hard and the biggest disruption is when trying to…


Added by Katie Reed on July 13, 2017 at 1:01am — 2 Comments

Is it denial to consider my MDD a gift?

A rich inner world has always been a factor in my life but a story did not start to form until I was 7. A line was spoken in a TV show that sparked something in me that has never died.  I don't remember the TV show or the line. It was just part of some random dramatic scene in a teen drama my aunt was engrossed in.

I wonder how the actor would feel knowing what a profound effect that line had on my life. Pride or maybe pity.  I can't imagine because I don't even know how I'm supposed…


Added by Katie Reed on July 5, 2017 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

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