Paulina's Blog – May 2011 Archive (3)

Eyes wide open or close?

I found it very hard for me to daydream with my eyes closed. It may sound strange, because it seems that when our eyes are closed imagination works better and create brighter and more colorfull images.


But when I close my eyes because I've started daydreaming I can't create so bright images as when my eyes are open. I've never been wondering why's that. Maybe closing my eyes is like forcing my brain to daydream and daydreaming should be unforced.


So even when…


Added by Paulina on May 24, 2011 at 12:51pm — 3 Comments

"Mind freak"

In spite of my daydreaming I've always been very racional person.  I'm an atheist, not believing in any spiritual world or any supernatural scills. What I believe in is a power of human brain. The power that we still didn't fully discovered. I'm very interested in such thing as hipnosis, NLP, subconcious etc.


This whole area of my interests started a few years ago. While watching BBC (which I've always enjoyed because of my love to everything what's british) I came across a…


Added by Paulina on May 11, 2011 at 1:22pm — 3 Comments

"Empty days"

I'm having "empty days".

Recently my daydreams were focused on Prince Harry, especially when somebody on tv called him new "Number 1 Bachelor". These daydreams were funny and kind of stupid because of two reasons: firstly it took only ONE sentence to start my daydreaming and secondly I don't even find Prince Harry attractive. And probably because of these two reasons these daydreams ended very fast. And this is the thing - they ended too fast.

Normally I start new daydream when…


Added by Paulina on May 3, 2011 at 3:39pm — 3 Comments

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