I would never consider my daydreaming as some kind of issue. It's just my way to live. I've been daydreaming since I can only remember. As a child, in primary school I had imaginary friend. When I was going on a walk, there was always imaginary dog, cat, tiger, lion or bird walking with me. And I've been always "colorising" world around me.


And now? Now, I think, it got worse. Not only I'm daydreaming, which stopes me from finishing anything I'm doing at the time. One day I realized, that I'm walking around a park and I'm whispering to myself, because I was daydreaming about talking with somebody I was obsessed about that time!


And there's also a time, when I'm in bad, trying to fall asleep. I can't remember if I ever felt asleep without daydreming. It just seemed just a perfect place to create situations, new friendships...


One day I've decided to start writing down some of my day dreams. I found it very helpfull - somehow it "clears" my mind - day dreams once written are forgotten and I have "fresh space" to create new one.


By this time my daydreaming never got me into depression and I hope it never will. There are short times of sadness, when I was daydreaming about some coming event and the reality turned out to be different from my imagination, but luckily I always forget about it very fast.

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Comment by Paulina on April 30, 2011 at 2:40am
EludeMyFantasies - it doesn't stop me from daydreaming, but when I write down a daydream I stop thinking about it and and I don't have "multiple" daydreams - just one at the time and I think it's somehow helpfull.
Comment by Skylar Grey on April 29, 2011 at 8:33pm

Yeah, i know what you mean about the writing out my thoughts and daydreams. It really clears my head. Also i can relate to the depression. Quite a few people with MD have depression issues and while i may have a few fits of sadness it was never anything serious and pray it stays that way.

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