Melissa Garrison
  • Female
  • San Antonio, TX
  • United States
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  • Ginna Phillips

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At 6:57pm on November 26, 2012, Ginna Phillips said…

Well, I'm not in therapy now, but I did explain it to her vaguely. I admit that I've always been uneasy about letting anyone into my secret world- even my therapist. And since I've made an effort to pull myself out of it (with some success) I tended to refer to this as something I did in the past and still do sometimes. There is a fuzzy line between freeform fantasizing returning to my persona with a more or less described past.

Oh and Ido do take antidepressants. I have quit a few times and go along fine but end up getting taken down by things that are not really THAT important, so return to the meds.

At 7:24am on November 20, 2012, Ginna Phillips said…

I bought "The Secret life of Walter Mitty" for my therapist to try to explain it to her, so was amused that you mentioned it (though I suspect it is or should be just short of holy scripture in the group). However, Mitty's fantasies seem mostly ad hoc and mine were pretty much set- open to tweaking, but mostly set).

At 9:08pm on November 18, 2012, Cordellia Amethyste Rose said…

Welcome!  Thanks for joining!




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