
Without Friends

It seems that have difficulties to make friends and the difficulty to connect with other persons is a common denominator between Maladaptive Daydreamers.

Nevermind is it is due to social inability, a side effect of daydreaming or that we are too much time away of “this world”, and that when “we come back to earth” we don´t have enough experience.

Now we have a forum, a Meeting point, a place with people like us. Daydreamers without friends. Perhaps this group is not a  good place to make friends. Provably. But who knows?

Members: 141
Latest Activity: May 7

Discussion Forum


Started by Jacob P John. Last reply by Deanna Jan 10, 2021. 5 Replies

What type of occupation would suit for people like us ? . I would really like to do a job where communication skills are not much required. Any suggestionsContinue

Intro: Only ever had one friend.

Started by Andigamous Gladchester. Last reply by Jonathan M Sep 9, 2018. 1 Reply

Hi,I go by Andi.  The last friend I had was in 4th grade I think.  I started with MD before then, though, but it was mostly confined to recess at school, and when I was alone at home.My friend (we'll…Continue

My DD story

Started by SuSu. Last reply by SuSu Aug 5, 2018. 2 Replies

Hello there!So, I am a MD, I have been a MD for so long, longer than I can remember, at one point I decided to google my symptoms and found out that I am a MD.I was disappointed, I thought something…Continue

Some help

Started by noor. Last reply by Xander Jul 6, 2018. 6 Replies

There is anyone want to speak with me , I am now in new countary , it is really hard to find friends , since I was child , I have maladaptive daydreaming , now I have no friends and my situation is…Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by Quinn on July 10, 2013 at 9:21am

I actually have friends but they are more on just an acquaintance. Nobody knows the real me but myself and God. I really want to have a friend who I'm not too cautious to express myself be able to talk my mind to without the fear of hurtful judgement and rejections... I'm living in an environment that every little thing I do will going to be judge upon... So I preferred to be by myself, creating my own little world where everyone likes me despite my flaws, that they listen and they understand... Sadly, it's not real.
Comment by Tinkerbell on June 28, 2013 at 11:55am

Hello everyone pleased to meet you all.


I have never had friends my Mum always joked that I am a collector of troubled people.  I find people who have issues similar to my own and feel the need to help them.  The sad thing is that once I have done that; they move on and never even come back to send a text, write or whatever.  It makes me feel incrediably lonely and weird, like there is something wrong with me why I can't find anyone to like me.

Comment by Crissy on June 11, 2013 at 12:25pm

I have one close friend. It doesn't really help that she is also an introvert. We don't do anything together. So there aren't any girl's nights out for us. We are there for each other when things are bad, but they have to be very bad for one of us to make the call. I did confide in her that I have md, she doesn't get it. I didn't go into detail about the pacing ect, just that I daydream excessively so she doesn't see the big deal. I use to think I didn't have a big group of friends because I was boring or weird. As I get older I realize that I'm the one that finds them boring & weird. I'm very hard to impress & maybe a bit selfish. I really don't want to talk or participate in any activity that doesn't interest me. My introvert friend says that we are just too smart for the people who surround us lol. I don't know if that's it. Small talk irritates me but I guess you have to participate in that to start up friendships. I just don't feel like talking if it's not on a meaningful subject. I see all the friendship barriers have been put up by me. There is woman I work with that is trying to become my friend. I see her trying harder than anyone ever has but I keep saying no to being invited places ect. She says she feels like she annoys me, that isn't the case so I asked why. She said I don't make eye contact & seem to get bored with what she's saying. I'm daydreaming obviously, but I can't tell her that. I wonder how many people have attempted to make friends with me but have given up because I seemed annoyed.

Comment by KEONTE on June 8, 2013 at 5:10pm

I am really happy to have found this website and this group.I'm happy to not be alone. I have people I talk to at school . But no one I would open up myself too. I find it so weird ,but also comforting to be able to "talk" on this site. 

Comment by Diane Patten on May 23, 2013 at 12:56am

Hi.  People are so different from my stories! So jarring to connect. Wonder if anyone else finds this to be true? That people dont act like they do in your stories/daydreams, and its hard for you to know how to accept them/be around them?

Comment by Dreamcatcher on April 3, 2013 at 10:08am

Another friendless person here. Just wanted to say I get both of you, Paracosm and Pascale. I don't understand how can people so casually befriend each other. It is hard for me to open myself to someone.

Comment by Paracosm on March 27, 2013 at 2:56pm
@Pascale - Thanks for giving me a giggle. I do the same thing: I put on an act to make everyone think I'm just fine. I desperately want friends and I have plenty to share, but nobody I know is willing to hear it. Or maybe I have it all wrong, because whenever someone tries to approach me, I close up and put twenty bolts on my door. I'm such a contradiction. I guess I'm just afraid of making myself vulnerable.

Oh, and I have no idea what this group is for. A group for people who have no friends doesn't make much sense, but then again, neither do I, so I guess I'm right at home here. I guess friendless people don't have much to say.
Comment by Pascale on March 27, 2013 at 1:47am

I just have to laugh, 13 members and only 2 has something to share. Its the story of my life. I mean, I wish I had friends and I close my dor. Gives everyone the message that I am OK with myself and don't share anything personal.

Is this Group a meeting place for people with nothing to share?

Comment by Madelyn on January 5, 2013 at 8:13pm
Well hi there. Thank you to who ever started this group up. I've been feeling kind of lonely of late, and I've been wondering if I will ever change and be able to feel comfortable with people. When you feel like a freak, its so good to know that there are so many other people that have various degrees of social anxiety.

Members (141)


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