1. Become conscious of your breathing. Don’t try to control it, just place your attention on it. Remain this way for a minute. When you place your attention on your breath, you are no longer occupied in the mind and you become aware of the present moment.
2. Look around you and become acutely aware of the objects in your surrounding. Don’t try to label the objects but just look and take in the presence of each object in your vicinity.
3. Listen deeply to the sounds around you. Try to detect the most subtle sound that’s audible.
4. Feel the sensation of your touch. Hold something and feel it deeply.
5. If you are eating something, feel the taste and the smell of each morsel or bite.
6. While you are walking, become aware of each step that you take and your body movements.
Initially it is difficult to stay present even for a few seconds, but with practice you can become more and more aware. When you stop investing attention in your mind you will see life unfold beautifully.