How was your day?  What did you do?  The least exciting the better.  :D  


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I had a peanut butter sandwich and coffee for breakfast while watching old Glee reruns on Netflix.  Then I spent forever trying to think of ways to promote this site.  Sent out a couple of pleas for people to write about it.  Made a flier and pleaded for anyone to post it (no takers), and I'd like to finish this little knitting project I've been working on.  Mia & Grendel have been surprisingly quiet.  That won't last.  Squeaking and meowing in 5.....4......3......2......1.....  

Omg u draw awesome!  Dont give up, youll do fifty drawings that you despise before you do one that u love.  Trust me, its a lot of practice<3. But its fun practice, no?

Anette Lesley said:

Had coffee, sat in front of computer whole morning playing online games and chatting over messenger. Trying to force myself to practice drawing by hand but i get demoralized so quickly when it doesnt turn the way I wanted <./p>

Very exciting so far :)

not very good, got yelled at by plenty of teachers for daydreaming in class :P

buuut made progress in my daydream world if that counts for anything :D

Well, not today but yesterday.


Went to court, did some amount of work but my back started to hurt like a mofo, ate half a kilo of meat and some other stuff, making me a hungry dude. Got some study done but it kinda sucked. Very little daydreamind though, explicitly around 2 hours, though bad sleep kept my brain in a fuzz. Aight.

Today i woke up really early, ate some oatmeal and listened to music instead of studying (haha) before going to my japanese lesson in kobe with Coo-sensei.  After we grabbed burgers and beers at a bar called polo dogs with a great english speaking staff but soso food:(. We talked about politics and the frightening possibilities of time travel and nanotechnology which, according to the discovery chanel, are going to be the next generations big tech breakthroughs.  Yikes!  Haha.  Its 2 pm over here now so im going to work to teach english to boring ass housewives, salarymen and rich college kids who dont want to be there.  Today i work in kyoto.  Hour and a half trainride from kobe.  Ouch!!

Made some progress on my red, fuzzy dickie.  Found out it actually fits.  Score another one for totally guessing.  I hope it's warm & looks good.  Also made up about 50 really immature comments about it, but what can you expect?  

Aside from a reason for me to act like a's one of those things that looks like just the front of a shirt......basically just a collar and a strip down the front.  I'm making one out of red fuzzy yarn to use like a scarf because mine keep trying to blow off.  

EludeMyFantasies said:

Errmm...what is a red fuzzy dickie? 

Cordellia Amethyste Rose said:

Made some progress on my red, fuzzy dickie.  Found out it actually fits.  Score another one for totally guessing.  I hope it's warm & looks good.  Also made up about 50 really immature comments about it, but what can you expect?  

Just noticed this comment.  So sorry about your puppy.  Is it bad?  

EludeMyFantasies said:

Well its actually Tuesday but it doesn't count until you go to bed and wake back up. So Monday (today) I drove to the next town over and picked up my 25th anniversary Wii console. After that we went and ate some Chinese food then came home to play with the Wii. Couple hours later I discovered another tumor on my dog near her back leg. Big bummer so I made a Vet appointment. I may be returning the Wii to pay for a vet bill. Next I sat around for most of the afternoon watching TV. Then I went by myself to watch The Chronicles of Narnia, Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Great movie by the way! I recommend it. After I got home I spend the next hour and a half daydreaming. The End.

Aside from my doggie, generally speaking it was a decent day.

I'm so sorry.  Poor thing.  At least she's getting lots of love.  That's the most important thing.  So many don't ever have that.  She'll be in my thoughts.  

EludeMyFantasies said:

Yeah it is cancer. She had a large tumor removed back in early October off her ear. It was sent off and was cancer. They said more would eventually come up. I just didn't expect it to soon and this one is so big and just popped up so fast. My poor baby! She's a white and grey Siberian Husky.

Cordellia Amethyste Rose said:

Just noticed this comment.  So sorry about your puppy.  Is it bad?  

EludeMyFantasies said:

Well its actually Tuesday but it doesn't count until you go to bed and wake back up. So Monday (today) I drove to the next town over and picked up my 25th anniversary Wii console. After that we went and ate some Chinese food then came home to play with the Wii. Couple hours later I discovered another tumor on my dog near her back leg. Big bummer so I made a Vet appointment. I may be returning the Wii to pay for a vet bill. Next I sat around for most of the afternoon watching TV. Then I went by myself to watch The Chronicles of Narnia, Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Great movie by the way! I recommend it. After I got home I spend the next hour and a half daydreaming. The End.

Aside from my doggie, generally speaking it was a decent day.

Finally finished my red, fuzzy dickie.  :)  

I like this thread, creates the illusion that someone actually cares about my day.


Yesterday, not today, I did a decent amount of studying when I wasn't at work. I've got a deadline just before Christmas so right now my life is only about work, shoveling snow and taking care of my health so that I won't fall ill when working with snow fucking everything up.

I only do basic patterns I can daydream to.  I used to try complicated things, but I'd get lost and be too dazed to figure out where I was.  I find that I can still learn things, even at my worst.  It just takes a REALLY long time.  I learned that I can only do things that I can do while in a complete daze.  Working with that, I just focus on really simple things.  I start really small and eventually I can do more complicated versions while in a daze.  It's not a very efficient way to live, but I can still get by.  


I know a lot of people are triggered by music, tv, and things, but sometimes it kinda works in reverse for me.  I get into the music or tv and it wakes me up just enough that I can do another activity better.  I'm not sure if that'll work for you, but you can try it.  Get some VERY simple instructions and all your supplies, stop putting yourself down about how long it's taking, and put on some music or something while expecting yourself to work as slowly as you need to.  It really does feel good to make some progress.  

I used to try and sell my stuff, but I completely failed that venture.  I tried selling online and at Saturday Market.  I tried so hard, but I was so dazed that I couldn't be a good salesperson.  I still have big tubs full of product I don't know what to do with.  Ugh.  Oh well.  What's meant to be will be.  
EludeMyFantasies said:

Very nice dickie! I wish I could stop daydreaming long enough to create things (or do anything else for that matter). I love to sew and would really like to make my own purses.


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